How is pomelo beneficial for a woman’s body? Useful properties of pomelo and contraindications Pomelo fruit beneficial properties and harm calorie content

Pomelo (English) pomelo) are the citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the segments are large, separated by hard white partitions that taste bitter. The color of ripe broom can vary from light green to yellow-pink. Usually only one side acquires a pink color, which was turned towards the sun during ripening. The fruit is a record holder among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, however, the pulp is not as juicy and when peeling, the internal membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.

The first mention of the use of pomelo dates back to 100 BC. The records are preserved in Chinese manuscripts. The homeland of pomelo is considered to be Malaysia, the south-eastern part of Asia, the islands of Fiji and Tongo.

Pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, so in China this fruit is usually given as a gift on the eve of the Chinese New Year. The fruit is used as an offering to the gods and for rituals in Thailand.

Pomelo was brought to European countries by a British navigator in the 14th century. Today, pomelo is cultivated for export in China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Israel and Tahiti.

  • Selection, use and storage of pomelo
  • Pomelo ripens in February, so it is best to buy fruits during this period. However, when choosing, you must follow simple rules:
  • the pomelo peel should be shiny, smooth and without obvious damage;

a pleasant citrus aroma should emanate from the fruit;

The broom, despite its size, is quite simple and easy to clean.

To remove the peel, just make a small cut and then peel it with your hands like an orange. The peeled fruit should be divided in half and cuts should be made from the inside of the membranes of each segment. The pulp between the membranes lies quite loosely, so when they are removed it is easily separated. You should also remove the seeds from the slices. Usually there are 5-6 of them. in each of the lobules.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of pomelo

Composition and presence of nutrients

Pomelo contains a wide range of vitamins (, , B1, B2, B5), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium), fiber, essential oils and organic acids. Nutritionists classify this product as useful and recommend its use when following a diet. This is due to the ability of pomelo to accelerate metabolic processes, which in turn leads to the burning of fat deposits and weight loss.

Useful and healing properties

In cosmetology

In addition to the beneficial effect on the internal state of the body, masks using pomelo have a positive effect on the skin of the face. They have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To prepare the mask, you need to thoroughly crush the pomelo pulp (100 g), add honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp). To prevent the mask from spreading on your face, you can add 0.5-1 tsp to it. oatmeal Apply it evenly on the face for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and the triangle around the mouth. Afterwards, rinse off the mask with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream. The optimal time to use the mask is the evening before bed. This will allow the skin to be sufficiently nourished, rest and recover.

In cooking

Traditionally, pomelo is eaten raw or used in the preparation of national Asian dishes. The pulp of the fruit is used to make salads, marmalade, filling for pies, and also as a savory addition to meat and fish dishes. You can use the peel at home to make jam, candied fruit or an aromatic addition to tea.

Dangerous properties of pomelo

People who are allergic to citrus fruits should not eat pomelo. This can lead to a swollen throat and choking.

Large spherical fruits of the exotic pomelo plant can be found today in almost any Russian supermarket. Conservative domestic consumers have stopped looking at this mysterious fruit with apprehension and are increasingly supplementing their rather monotonous northern diet with it. Moreover, at giant tangerine its loyal fans have appeared among Russians who can no longer imagine their menu without this overseas fruit.

Where did the sultry foreigner, known to many as the pamela fruit, come to Russian shelves, how is it useful, what harm can it cause to the inexperienced organisms of compatriots?

A little history

The pomelo fruit has several names: pompelmus, sheddock, or more familiar to Russian ears, but incorrectly, pamela. The plant belongs to the citrus genus. The homeland of the exotic fruit is considered to be China, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, the islands of Tongo and Fiji. The fruit came to Europe in the 14th century thanks to the efforts of sailors who were actively involved in intercontinental trade. Today the pomelo is growing in most warm climate regions.

In their historical homeland, sheddock fruits reach 10 kilograms, although, alas, such heroes cannot be found in our supermarkets. Unlike other overseas fruits, pomelo tolerates transportation well, which makes it possible to deliver sunny fruits to the most remote and cold corners of the planet.

Externally, the pomelo resembles a large grapefruit - with the same thick peel and juicy slices inside. But in terms of taste, it still differs from its relative with a softer “sound”. However, the taste of the fruit depends on its variety. The spherical dark green fruits have pink, very sweet flesh, and the yellowish flattened fruits are sour with a slight bitterness. Both have their loyal fans, and in terms of benefits they are in no way inferior to each other.

Useful properties of an overseas guest

Like all citrus fruits, pompelmousse- a record holder for vitamin C content. But this is not the only thing that makes it stand out among other exotic fruits. Pomelo contains many beneficial nutrients, which make it truly the king of citrus fruits. So, what does this unique fruit contain?

  • Fiber is dietary fiber that improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Plant protein is a building component for body cells.
  • Potassium is a necessary element for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous and excretory systems of the body.
  • Calcium is the main building block for human bone tissue.
  • Iron is a trace element involved in hematopoiesis, energy metabolism and metabolism.
  • Sodium is a component responsible for the water and electrolyte balance of the body.
  • Vitamin C is the vitamin of youth, beauty and health, a “fighter” against colds.
  • Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant.
  • B vitamins are essential vitamins for the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems of the body.

The juicy fruit can quench your thirst and satiate you at the same time. The large amount of fiber contained in the fruit helps normalize digestion and eliminate constipation. The rich vitamin and mineral complex makes pomelo a herbal medicine that can increase the body's defenses, resist viral diseases, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. In addition, pompelmus is a good preventative against caries, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of periodontitis.

Pompelmus is considered an effective preventative against diabetes, hypertension, and a number of cancers. Due to its low calorie content (only 35 kcal per 100 g), the fruits can be used as a dietary product for anyone who wants to lose excess weight. It is recommended to use it in mono-diets, as well as supplement your daily diet with it, replacing fatty and sweet desserts with juicy fruit. Pomelo is also used in cosmetology: it is used to make moisturizing and nourishing masks, cleansing lotions, and body scrubs.

Contraindications: who should not eat pomelo

Despite the obvious benefits of the overseas fruit, for some categories of people its use should be limited, or better yet, abandoned altogether. Who shouldn't eat pompelmousse?

Among other things, pomelo has a mild laxative effect, so its use should be limited to those who are prone to diarrhea. And, of course, even a completely healthy person should not eat kilograms of it, so as not to provoke digestive upset.

How to choose fruit on the counter

An unripe pomelo can be very sour or bitter. Therefore, the first criterion when choosing an exotic fruit is its ripeness. You can determine it by its smell: the richer and more aromatic the peel of the fruit smells, the more juicy and tasty its pulp will be. Different varieties of pomelo differ in taste:

  • yellow pear-shaped fruit has a pleasant sweetish taste;
  • the yellow, slightly flattened fruit has a sweet taste with a slight sourness;
  • the greenish pear-shaped fruit has a pronounced sweet and sour taste;
  • dark green spherical citrus is the sweetest representative among other varieties.

A high-quality broom has no traces of mechanical damage: cracks, dents, cuts, punctures. The peel is dense, smooth, shiny. There should be no traces left when pressing on it. The heavier the fruit, the more juice it contains. Unpeeled pompelmousse can be stored out of the refrigerator for more than 30 days. But how only the skin will be removed from it, the shelf life of the product will begin to be calculated in hours. Cut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

How to eat and get the most benefits

In the homeland of pomelo, the fruit is eaten as a main dish, seasoned with hot spices, or candied fruits, marmalade, and jams are made from it. All restaurants in the world use juicy ripe fruit as an addition to salads, baked goods, desserts and sweet and sour sauces. Even the peel is used: it is dried and added to tea as a healthy ingredient rich in essential oils.

But, undoubtedly, it is most beneficial to eat pomelo in its pure form, without subjecting it to heat treatment, in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients and vitamins. It is enough to peel it like a regular grapefruit, divide it into slices and enjoy the great taste of amazing citrus.

Pomelo is an affordable, healthy and incredibly tasty fruit that deserves more attention than it is currently receiving from Russian consumers. This sunny miracle will not only improve your health and add strength, but also lift your spirits on the grayest and cloudiest autumn day.

We continue the series of articles about the benefits and harms of food. Today's topic is the wonderful exotic fruit pamela or pomelo. This is the largest citrus fruit in diameter and one of the richest in nutrients.

Unlike guavas And pitahaya, pomelo fruit is not so tender and is quite easily transported, stored for a long time and is unpretentious. It is for these reasons that we have the opportunity to buy it in almost any supermarket and at a reasonable price. This is an undeniable advantage of the pamela fruit, because you manage to go on vacation once, maximum 2 times a year - this is not enough to eat enough of super-tasty exotic fruits.

Pamela fruit - general information

Pomelo is a type of citrus fruit. It is called by different names - pomelo, pamela, pompelmus, sheddock, citrus maxima. Pomelo trees are native mainly to Southeast Asia, as well as some US states and Israel.

There are 3 types of pomelo:

1.Red. The fruit has red flesh and tastes sour and bitter. Its shape is oval, the size of a small grapefruit, only the rind is green. It was this type of pomelo that was crossed with an orange and got grapefruit.

2. Pink. The pulp is pink, has many seeds, and tastes sweet and juicy. It is considered a good anthelmintic.

3. White. This pomelo is larger in size, reaching a weight of 1-2 kilograms. Its shape is pear-shaped, and the flesh is white and sweet.

Application. Sweet pomelo makes very tasty candied fruits and marmalade. In Thailand, pamela is made into jam and preserved in various ways. Of course, it is best to eat pomelo fresh, as it is more beneficial than after processing.

Pomelo - beneficial properties

Like other types of citrus fruits, pomelo is primarily rich in vitamin C, but it has a clear advantage - a small amount of citric acid, which is contraindicated for those who have problems with the health of the stomach and digestive system.

In addition to vitamin C, pomelo is rich in B vitamins, beta-carotene and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper. Additionally, it is a good source of folic acid, which is useful for pregnant women, as this is a very important and necessary substance, especially in the first months of fetal development.

100 grams of pomelo pulp provides the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Calorie content. This is a very low-calorie product - it contains approximately 50 calories per 100 grams.

What else is pamela fruit good for:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties; in Thailand, it is believed that regular consumption of pomelo ensures the prevention of inflammatory processes in the urethra; its effectiveness has been especially proven in cases of infection with the Escherichia Coli bacterium;
  • Improves kidney function;
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance and its ability to regenerate cells;
  • Helps strengthen teeth and reduce bleeding gums;
  • Contains a sufficient amount of iron, which promotes the production of hemoglobin, which means it is a good prevention of anemia. An undeniable advantage of pomelo is that it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron.

We get many minerals from food, but very, very small amounts are absorbed, since they are capricious and need special conditions. Calcium, for example, is one of the most necessary, but also the most difficult to absorb. Only about 20 percent reach their “destination,” so to speak, and this number only decreases with age. That's it. And that’s why products that provide all the conditions for microelements are very important.

  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Prevents the formation of osteoporosis;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system as it contains a lot of useful fiber, which also cleanses and removes toxins.
  • This is an ideal product for losing weight, many benefits and very few calories.
  • The flavonoids, essential oils and antioxidants contained in pomelo make it a real fighter against the formation of cancer cells. And strong immunity is important in this fight.
  • Very useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown a significant improvement in the well-being of patients after just a couple of months of regular consumption of pomelo fruit.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Increases performance and concentration.

In general, the fruit is healthy and quite affordable for us, why not buy it more often and please yourself and your loved ones?

How to eat pomelo, how to choose and store

They eat pomelo in different ways, but the easiest way is to simply peel it; by the way, it is much easier to peel than an orange or grapefruit, then the slices are separated. The film is removed from them. What remains is tasty pulp ready to eat.

You should choose a pamela whose bark is elastic, without dents or brown spots. The pomelo should not be too soft, this is a sign that it has begun to deteriorate inside. The best fruit is the one that is smaller in size, but heavier - this means that the bark is thinner and the flesh is juicier.

Unpeeled pomelo will keep in the refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks. If you have already peeled the fruit, you will have to eat it no more than in 2-3 days.

Watch an interesting video about how to choose a pomelo:

Contraindications and harm to pamela

Some citrus fruits have the ability to interfere with the absorption of various medications. In particular, this applies to grapefruit and pomelo. Thus, it is not recommended to consume these fruits during treatment for various infections and diseases, and if you have chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor before introducing any new product into your diet.

It is only in relation to some medications that absorption decreases, but in relation to others, things are completely opposite. Pmela increases their effect, which is also bad.

The effect of pamela on the body lasts for three days, so take this fact into account and do not eat pamela and grapefruit during treatment.

Bonus. Recipes with pomelo

  • Thai salad with pomelo “Yum Som O”

One of the most popular, traditional Thai salads. Usually made with shrimp and pomelo or grapefruit.

Ingredients: 200 grams of pomelo pulp, 1 clove of garlic, 1 small onion, some fresh mint leaves, 100 grams of peeled shrimp, salt.

Refueling: 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 tablespoons fish sauce and a little sugar to taste.

Preparation. Peel the pomelo, divide the pulp into small particles with your hands, fry the onion and garlic in a frying pan, and do the same with the shrimp. Place the salad on a plate: first the pomelo, then the onions and garlic, shrimp, sprinkle chopped mint on top and season with a mixture of lime juice and fish sauce.

  • Vietnamese salad with pomelo

Ingredients: 1 medium pomelo, 1 cucumber, 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 50 grams of roasted peanuts, a little fresh mint.

Refueling: 2 spoons fish sauce, 1 spoon lime juice, 1 spoon water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 minced garlic clove.

Preparation. Divide the pomelo pulp into small particles with your hands, cut the carrots and cucumber into strips, mix all the ingredients and add the dressing. Salad ready.

The pamela fruit (pomelo) is a healthy, affordable, and also low-calorie miracle that deserves much more attention. If you choose the right fruit, you will be surprised by the sweetness and juiciness of this fruit.

The history of the origin of pomelo begins in the east. In ancient China, this fruit was considered a symbol of prosperity and stability. It was brought to India at the end of the 18th century, and in Europe they learned about this citrus fruit only at the beginning of the 19th century. Although Pomelo has been consumed since ancient times, what kind of fruit the Pomelo hybrid is made from is still being debated.

Description of an exotic fruit

Today, pomelo is exported to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Israel, and in Russia it is sold in any grocery supermarket. This citrus fruit has long ceased to be considered exotic and is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Fruits with exotic names “pomelo”, “pamela” or “pompelmus” have been on store shelves for a long time. Looking at this citrus fruit, it is difficult to determine what was crossed with what so that the pomelo acquired gigantic dimensions and a structure similar to a grapefruit. Its fruits reach a weight of up to 10 kg. and diameter 30 cm.

The question often arises: from crossing which fruits did the pomelo acquire its shape and size? The answer to the question of what fruit the pomelo hybrid is made from is simple. This citrus fruit has never been a hybrid of anything., but the pomelo fruit is the progenitor of the well-known grapefruit. And as a result of the selection of white grapefruit and pompelmus, a hybrid called pomelite, or oroblanco, appeared.

Pompelmus belongs to the citrus genus. This is an evergreen tree up to 15 meters high with large leaves and white flowers, the diameter of which reaches 7 cm.

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus fruit family. This unique representative of its genus can reach truly gigantic sizes, up to approximately 30-40 cm in diameter. The weight of such a handsome man ranges on average from 1 to 3 kg, and sometimes up to 10 kg. Seeing this fruit on the counter, many begin to wonder: “Pomelo is a hybrid of what fruit? Or maybe this is the result of modern selection or the bold development of genetic engineers?

In fact, what this “hybrid fruit” is derived from will remain a mystery, since it has been growing in the vast expanses of Asia for thousands of years and is used by the local population for food and medicinal purposes.

Externally, pomelo fruits are similar to grapefruit. They have a moderately sweet and refreshing taste; unfortunately, they are inferior in juiciness to oranges, but they are not bitter, like. Among other fruit names, the most famous are sheddock and pompelmus, but the official name of the fruit is still pomelo. So, what are the benefits and harms of pomelo for the human body? Is it possible to eat it while on a diet, and how to use it correctly so as not to cause harm to health?

Beneficial features

Pomelo is a real vitamin bomb!

What are the benefits of the fruit? When buying this exotic fruit, every person, willy-nilly, is interested in what is contained in this wonder of nature and is it good for health? Like many other fruits, sheddock contains in its pulp a lot of vitamins and microelements, as well as valuable organic compounds that normalize the body’s activity.

The benefits of citrus fruit for the human body are manifested in the following:

  • due to its fiber content, the fruit is able to restore normal intestinal motility and improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • it is a valuable source of iron, which takes part in the construction of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia;
  • potassium in sheddock has a beneficial effect on myocardial function and eliminates periodic manifestations of arrhythmia;
  • the fruit contains a so-called lipolytic enzyme that breaks down fat cells, which makes it possible to use it for weight loss;
  • The vitamins contained in the fruit perfectly stimulate the immune system;
  • limonoids, which are contained in pompelmus fruits, are an excellent means of preventing cancerous tumors;
  • the vitamin composition of the exotic fruit allows it to be used as a prophylactic during an epidemic of viral diseases;
  • pectins protect the gastric mucosa from irritation;
  • With the help of the lipase enzyme, fat metabolism is activated and protein is properly absorbed.

How much vitamin C is in sheddock? Every 100 grams of fruit contains up to 53 mg of ascorbic acid. This indicator is very high, which suggests that the fruit is able to improve the condition of the vascular wall, prevent the development of viral infections and make their course easier, and help maintain the rheological properties of the blood at the proper level.

Are dried citrus slices healthy? The beneficial properties of dried pompelmousse are not as pronounced as those of fresh fruits. It contains much less ascorbic acid. In addition, candied fruits contain a lot of sugar, and therefore their caloric content and BJU indicators are as follows: 308 kcal per 100 grams and 0.2%/1.8%/98%, respectively.

Is it possible to eat pomelo if you have diabetes? How much sugar is in these juicy fruits? The low glycemic index of pomelo allows it to be included in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes. Only pomelo for diabetics is best taken in the form of juice obtained by passing the fruit through a juicer, since it contains all the substances necessary for a sick body. There is no need to worry about the compatibility of pomelo and medications. Citrus in acceptable quantities goes well with taking medications and other foods.

Benefits for women

How is pomelo beneficial for a woman’s body? The benefits and harms of pomelo for women’s health are also explained by the characteristics of its composition. These fruits prevent constipation and therefore have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Representatives of the fair sex who consume pompelmus several times a week in moderate quantities note that the elasticity of their facial skin has significantly increased, the first wrinkles have disappeared, and a healthy blush has appeared on their cheeks.

Is it possible to eat pomelo during pregnancy? When answering the question of how fruit is useful for pregnant women, it is important to understand that the expectant mother’s body is very susceptible to various types of infections, and therefore needs increased immune activity. Pomelo is ready to offer just such protection in the form of vitamin C to a pregnant woman.

How is pomelo useful and harmful for breastfeeding? Is it possible to enjoy pomelo while breastfeeding? Despite the considerable amount of vitamins, pediatricians do not recommend that mothers consume this fruit during breastfeeding, just like other fruits of the citrus family. This is due to the allergenicity of these fruits, which can provoke the development of allergy symptoms in infants.

Benefits for men

The beneficial properties of pomelo fruit for men are also known. It has been proven that after a good feast with alcoholic drinks the next morning, just a few slices of fruit can eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, invigorate a person and return him to normal life. The benefit of pink pomelo for men also lies in the fact that it is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases potency and restores reproductive abilities in the stronger sex.

Benefits for weight loss

Do you lose weight or gain weight from citrus? Does it help you lose weight and how much pomelo can you eat without gaining weight? How many calories and carbohydrates are in fresh pomelo? These questions interest many people who watch their weight. Fortunately, the giant citrus is one of the low-calorie products (the calorie content of pomelo is 38 kcal per 100 grams), so it can be included in the menu of those losing weight. Pomelo helps burn fat when losing weight. You can eat it even at night without fear of gaining weight. The recommended dose of fruit is no more than 150-200 grams per day.

Is it possible to eat pomelo at night or not? Naturally, yes! Eating sheddock at night for weight loss makes it possible to normalize metabolism and improve intestinal function, so this fruit can easily replace foods intended for a diet dinner. Another question that interests those who want to lose weight: “Which is healthier: grapefruit or pomelo?” When choosing between these two representatives of the citrus series, you should still choose the first option, since grapefruit is richer in vitamin C.

You will learn more about the benefits of exotic fruit from the video:

Possible harm

Who shouldn't eat pomelo? It is no secret that pomelo has not only beneficial but also harmful properties.

Among the main negative effects of the fetus are:

  • the allergenicity of citrus, since it often provokes the development of allergic reactions (whether the use of sheddock is allergic or not in each specific case can be determined using special allergological tests);
  • irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, so the fruit is prohibited from being consumed for gastritis and ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • choleretic effect, due to which it is better to exclude pomelo from the diet of patients suffering from cholelithiasis.

Therefore, before consuming the fruit, you should pay attention not only to its beneficial properties, but also to the contraindications to consuming pomelo. Otherwise, the benefits and harms of red pomelo can work against a person and cause damage to his health.

Features of use

Most often, pomelo is eaten simply by removing the peel and dividing the fruit into slices. However, there are several interesting recipes for light dishes that can be prepared in a couple of minutes and will not spoil your figure.

You can make a very delicious salad from this citrus. To do this, place pomelo slices, quarters of hard-boiled eggs, crab meat and sweet onion rings on a lettuce leaf. All ingredients can be topped with natural yoghurt or served without it.

Pomelo is a delicious component of many desserts. For example, you can make a smoothie or jelly based on it. The fruit goes well with sweet cottage cheese, custard and cranberry jam. It can be safely added to fruit salads and combined with other fruits in compotes and juices.

In folk medicine, pomelo has found its place as a remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cough, chronic bronchitis and kidney inflammation.

Juice from the fruit can increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the formation of blood clots in patients with arrhythmia. If you use daily mouth rinse solutions prepared by mixing citrus juice in equal proportions with water, you can forget about caries forever. Less commonly, healers recommend brewing decoctions based on the peel of the fruit, which perfectly saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, increase immunity, and treat colds.

In cosmetology, pomelo is used to prepare masks and scrubs. The healing components of the fruit can make the skin softer, healthier and more radiant, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and get rid of acne. To prepare the mask, simply mash the pomelo pulp with a fork and apply the resulting pulp to your face.

You might be interested to know that birch buds will also help get rid of acne.
Read more

How to clean and cut a pomelo - watch the video:

How to choose and store fruit correctly?

The effectiveness of the pomelo fruit, its benefits and harm to humans, is largely determined by how correctly it was chosen.

In order to acquire a truly healthy fruit, you should:

  • pay attention to its peel, which should be smooth, without dents or dark spots;
  • smell the fruit (fresh sheddock has a pleasant citrus aroma);
  • take a fruit that is smaller in size but heavier in weight (this product has a good peel-to-pulp ratio).

It is better to store citrus in a cool place. You should not buy fruit in reserve, as it may rot. It is better to always buy fresh citrus fruits in the store and get only the benefits from them.

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