Cake house (assembly). Cake “Fairytale House” You may need

A cake in the shape of a house is baked for the New Year, Christmas or birthday, most often for children. Such baked goods are called differently - New Year's house cake, Christmas cake or, simply, Fairytale house. Prepare this at home beautiful cake in the form of a house you can use different recipes and from different products. You can do without baking and make it from cookies and cottage cheese, ready-made straws, cherries, bananas and protein cream-icing. But, if you like to tinker in the kitchen and want to feel like a real pastry chef, then you can make it from a biscuit, honey cakes, puff or custard tests, homemade gingerbread. The decoration of such a fairy-tale house can be made from butter, cream, curd, protein cream or mastic. If you also want to know how to make a House cake with your own hands, then move on to the video recipes collected here.

One of the options is a cake New Year's house under the snow made of sponge cakes, with custard butter cream and coconut flakes. Mastic was used to decorate the details of the house, Christmas tree and snowman.

And this honey cake in the shape of a house is great! holiday idea for children and adults with a sweet tooth. The details of the house are decorated with fondant and sugar paper. Select decorative elements of the desired color - and you can safely prepare it for festive table for the New Year.

Next option sweet pastries- a simple New Year's house made of straws and cherries. It is also called the Monastic Hut or the Pyramid with Cherries.

I also want to suggest this one quick recipe preparing the Monastery hut from puff pastry. I would classify it as a New Year's cake instant cooking, because there is no need to knead the dough. And although, as in the second recipe proposed here, in the video the house is not decorated in exactly the New Year’s style, but this may be even better! Each of us will have the opportunity to take the initiative in decorating it for the New Year. 🙂

And this New Year's cake in the shape of a house without baking. The author prepares it from cookies and cottage cheese with banana. A dessert simply sprinkled with coconut flakes on top creates the right mood for our favorite winter holiday.

Beautiful and a delicious cake in the shape of a house, you can make it with your own hands from gingerbread, or rather, from gingerbread dough. You can easily and simply bake an interesting and unusual round New Year's gingerbread house using this video recipe.

And this is a traditional, classically shaped fairytale house made from gingerbread dough. Just repeat everything after the author of the video recipe and you will also have such a beautiful delicacy for the New Year. 🙂

Well, now you know how to make a New Year's house cake at home. If you have your own, it may be simpler and faster, or maybe more fabulous, unusual and tasty option preparations - we will be glad if you share your recipe. Happy New Year!

You may find it useful:

Preparing gingerbread:

Sift the flour and cocoa, add sugar, melted butter, melted honey (do not let it boil!), cinnamon, baking powder and warm milk.

Mix the dough. Wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

We make paper blanks. There are small square notes.

1 sheet, like an airplane, fold the 2 ends inward (front - 2 pieces).

Fold 2 sheets of paper in half (this will be the side wall - 2 pieces).

3 – will remain intact (roof – 2 pcs.).

Roll out the dough, apply the blanks and cut out the required number of parts using a knife.

You can also cut out several Christmas trees, a snowman, a fence...

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the parts on it and bake at a temperature of ~180 degrees, about 10-12 minutes (do not overbake).

Preparing the glaze:

Whisk egg whites into a strong foam, gradually adding powdered sugar.

Add lemon juice at the end, mixing well.


Cool the house figures. Using a pastry bag (nozzle with a small hole), we trace the contours and patterns of your choice. Decorate the gingerbread cookies and let the cream harden.

Let's start assembling the house:

Install the front and side wall, applying glaze to the sides of the blanks, and also continue with the remaining parts. Leave to dry.

We install the roof one by one. We fix each one so that it does not fall (using stands, lids, toothpicks... of the required size). Fill the joint on the roof with a thick layer of glaze. It takes several hours for the cream to completely harden and hold the entire structure.

Preparing the biscuit:

Cool and beat with a mixer. The mass is ready if you run your finger over it and a streak remains.

Sift flour and cocoa onto the surface of the mass in 3 approaches. Pour melted warm butter around the edge of the bowl. Gently mix with a spatula from bottom to top.

Pour into a mold (26 cm) and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Leave the finished biscuit in a cool place for 8 hours. We cut it lengthwise into 2 parts.

Prepare the biscuit cream:

We start whipping the cream at the lowest speed. We gradually increase the whipping speed by adding sifted powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. When stable peaks appear, stop whipping the cream.
Let's soak the biscuit:

Assembling the Fairytale House cake:

Decorating the cake:

Bon appetit!

When I made the cake Kindergarten“I came across the problem of a small house, collected everything I found in a heap and reworked it in my own way.
I collected the base, I have the cakes classic sponge cake, sour cream with thickener. I wanted to achieve as smooth walls as possible, so I also covered the cut uneven sides with cake layers.

I also covered the front and back of the house thin cakes. Added a couple of layers for the roof:

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of the next stage, but I think it will be clear - I built up the roof with potatoes (I crushed the cuttings of the cakes in a blender with butter and condensed milk).
Next from waffle cakes cut out the details of the house - the roof, walls and glued it on boiled condensed milk. Before doing this, I cooled the cake well so that the potatoes froze and did not wrinkle. The waffles will prevent our house from deforming when it is covered. This is another way to make the cake as even as possible. Although, in my opinion, it was possible to make the roof in the same way as the walls from shortcakes (here it’s optional):

Now we coat the cake with mastic cream, I love ganache

For a long time I was tormented by the question of how to cover the house - with one piece of mastic, or all the walls separately. In this case, I cut out parts from gray mastic 2 days in advance so that they would dry thoroughly. In the same way, I made blanks for the roof from brown mastic (I didn’t photograph the roof separately):

Now we begin to assemble our house. I glued it on the same ganache. I miscalculated a little and the walls turned out to be a little shorter, it’s best to do it with a margin:

The pediment is in the form of triangles, the imprint was made using patchwork:

Easter 2017: dancing

Naturally, there were dances on holidays, where would we be without them?

I’ve already baked a cheesecake with peaches, it’s predictably delicious, and very simple to work with. Increased by curd filling all ingredients 1.2 times.

Chocolate biscuit with poppy seeds

Black cakes
Beat 6 whole eggs with 6 tablespoons of sugar into a white, thick mass. Separately sift flour (4 tablespoons), cocoa (2 tablespoons), baking powder (0.5 teaspoons). Gently fold the dry mixture into the beaten eggs.
Bake two sponge cakes(in 30*40 cm molds) simultaneously with convection at 180 degrees. Cut each one in half - we get 4 desired cake layers measuring 30*20 cm.

White cakes with poppy seeds
Beat 5 eggs with 5 tablespoons of sugar into a fluffy white mass. Add 5 tablespoons of flour, mix gently.
Place poppy seed balls on a baking sheet (30*40 cm) (for them, mix 150 g of ground poppy seeds with 150 g of sugar and 1 large egg), pour over the dough and bake all together at 180 degrees. Cool the cake, cut it in half, we get 2 cakes measuring 30*20 cm.

Chocolate cream
In a water bath, melt together chocolate (200 g), strong coffee (60 ml) and butter (30 g). Mix. Remove from the bath and let cool until lukewarm. Separately prepare the gelatin mixture ( instant gelatin Pour 20 g of boiled water, 50 g - warm up, but do not boil, stir). Add the gelatin mixture to the chocolate mixture and stir. In a mixer, beat the cream (300 g) and carefully fold in the chocolate mixture.

Creamy cream
Beat cream (300 ml, 35%) with powdered sugar (100 g).

Black cake, chocolate cream, black cake, chocolate cream, cake with poppy seeds, butter cream, cake with poppy balls, chocolate cream, black cake, chocolate cream, black cake. Decorate as desired.

Coconut with jelly
(the idea for the cakes was taken from Dreamfood)

Beat eggs (6 pieces) with sugar (250 g) into a white, fluffy mass. Add sour cream (4 tablespoons), baking powder (6 g), melted butter (200 g), mix gently by hand, and finally add flour (260 g).
Divide into 2 parts. Add a pack of dry jelly to one (not in a briquette, I had cherry), to the second - 80 g of coconut flakes.
Bake two cakes (in 30*40 cm molds) simultaneously with convection at 180 degrees. Cut each in half - we get 2 cakes with jelly and 2 cakes with coconut measuring 30*20 cm.

Poppy cream
Brew pudding with 300 g of milk with 150 g of sugar. Cool. Beat 150 g butter,
gradually add the pudding mass, at the end add ground poppy seeds (70 g).

White chocolate cream
In a water bath, melt condensed milk (200 g), butter (30 g), White chocolate(120 g), stir. Remove from the bath and let cool until lukewarm. Separately prepare the gelatin mixture (pour 20 g of instant gelatin with boiled water, 50 g - warm up, but do not boil, stir). Add the gelatin mixture to the chocolate mixture and stir. In a mixer, beat the cream (300 g) and carefully fold in the chocolate mixture.

Cake with jelly, poppy seed cream, coconut cake, white chocolate cream, coconut cake, poppy seed cream, cake with jelly

Step 1: prepare honey dough.

In a bowl, use a knife to chop the flour from butter(it’s better to take the butter out of the refrigerator first so that it melts a little at room temperature), add 1 egg, sugar, honey, cocoa powder, baking powder and the listed spices. Mix everything thoroughly, knead until smooth with your hands, and gradually add milk (it should also be at room temperature). The dough will turn out stiff, roll it into a ball and wrap it in cling film or put it in a plastic bag. Leave it to come for 3-4 hours without changing the thermal conditions in the room.

Step 2: Cut out the gingerbread house pieces.

To make the house smooth and neat, we will use thick cardboard. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler. The photo will help you figure out what the blanks should look like. Cut out parts from cardboard with scissors gingerbread house. Its size will be approximately 20x20x20 cm. But, if you are an experienced cook, you can always vary the size of the building at your discretion. I don’t recommend making a house that is too small, as decorating it will become a chore for you. It’s also not a good idea to make it too bulky, as it will be more difficult to secure.

Step 3: Cut out the gingerbread house pieces from the honey dough. .

Before using the dough, you should knead it a little again. Then, using a rolling pin, roll it out to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Place the blanks on the resulting plate and use a knife to see the details of the house. Also cut out a round or square platform on which the gingerbread house will stand. Make holes in the parts for the roof with a toothpick so that you can then thread a ribbon or regular thread through it. The holes should be made at a short distance from each other (2 cm) on one of the longest sides of each roof. If there is still dough left, try cutting out small Christmas trees.

Step 4: bake the gingerbread house parts.

Place the gingerbread house parts on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or greased with butter and bake in the oven at 200 degrees 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove and cool at room temperature.

Separate the whites of 2 eggs from the yolks, this can be done by hand or using a separator, and beat the yolks into a stiff foam with a blender or mixer. Then gradually add powdered sugar, continuing to beat. The glaze should be very thick.

Step 6: Assemble the gingerbread house.

Cut the marmalade into thin slices (3-5 mm) with a knife. Glue it to the windows with icing. Also grease the platform and walls of the gingerbread house with icing. Glue the walls of the house together and glue it to the site. Wait for the glaze to harden. Using a ribbon, connect the parts of the house roof. Glue the pipe to the roof with icing. Put a roof on the house. Coat all parts as thoroughly as possible so that they are well fixed. Pay special attention to the “joints” at the main fastening points of the house, windows and doors.

Step 7: decorate the gingerbread house.

Place the remaining frosting into a piping bag. Draw wavy patterns on the gingerbread roof. Sprinkle the walls and roof of the house with powdered sugar. Also use icing to attach to the tree stand. Above the door using a felt-tip pen with food coloring you can draw a Christmas wreath. If you don't have it, you can use all the same icing, then simply decorate the wreath with colored food sprinkles. Place the resulting house in the refrigerator for 1 hour until it hardens completely.

Step 8: Serve the gingerbread house.

The gingerbread house can be made even more magical. To make a surprise, you can place a small lit candle inside the building. To do this, carefully push it through the door. Just remember to make sure that the roof of the house does not burn from the candle. This way, a gentle candle light will be provided from the windows. This dish can be served with the lights off.

Bon appetit! To decorate the gingerbread house, you can use colored marmalade, coconut flakes

, chocolate chips, cake sprinkles.

You can make gingerbread men or snowmen from the same dough. Basically final stage

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