Frozen green beans, how to prepare dietary recipes. How to properly cook frozen green beans: recipes and tips. Spicy frozen bean dish

Beans are included in many dishes - both first and second; it can be both a side dish and an appetizer. Not so long ago, our compatriots were familiar only with the white and red varieties of this culture. However, somehow quickly and imperceptibly it took a certain place in our diet. green beans. True, some individuals are still confused and think that asparagus, green and capsicum are separate crops, but I think that over time people will figure it out. All that remains is to tell him how to cook green beans - both for the time when they are easily available, and for the winter months, when fresh she can't be reached.

First, let’s decide who will benefit from it, and whose health it may cause some damage.

Who will benefit from green beans and how?

For starters, those who have problems with the intestines and stomach. Fiber, which green beans abound, actively improves digestion, and in this process, waste and toxins are also removed from your body. Green beans are no less rich in proteins, from which almost everything is formed, and primarily muscle tissue. The compound carbohydrates that are part of these beans increase a person's tone, give strength and strengthen the immune system when eaten regularly.

Among those who will primarily benefit from green beans are diabetics. It has the ability to stabilize blood sugar, so those with mild diabetes can do without artificial insulin. And the iron contained in green beans maintains blood quality at the required level. It contains few calories, and its consumption speeds up metabolism, so the product is very suitable for those who are on a diet.

Who should avoid green beans?

Fiber can not only be beneficial, but also cause some harm to those who have digestive problems: suffer from cholecystitis, ulcers, any gastritis, or suffer from high acidity. These beans are not good for gout either. However, otherwise these legumes are harmless, except that they can cause increased gas formation. However, this trouble can be easily avoided if you cook the beans, but immediately after boiling, drain the water and add fresh water.

International bean dishes: Chinese offerings

Now let's figure it out in such a way as to get pleasure from eating it. Let's start with the appetizers. Many European, Asian and Latin American countries use these beans in salads. For example, you can prepare the following Chinese dish: it will require 100 g of parsley and celery, 300 g of beans themselves, half a glass tomato sauce(preferably spicy or piquant) and a common component of Chinese dishes - monosodium glutamate in the amount of a teaspoon. This recipe for making green beans will appeal not only to fans Chinese cuisine, but also to fans instant cooking food. The pods, most of the parsley and celery are boiled in salted water, cut diagonally and poured into the sauce, which is pre-mixed with glutamate. After placing on a dish (or in a salad bowl), garnish with the rest of the parsley and serve.

International dishes with beans: what Mexico will delight you with

No less interesting can be prepared green beans (green beans) according to the recipe of this Latin American country. For it, take (in addition to the main ingredient in the amount of half a kilogram) red pepper, salt and dried coriander (all spices to taste) and 60 grams of butter - either olive or regular butter. The preparation itself is simple: peeled and cut into strips, the beans are boiled until fully cooked, drained through a fine colander or sieve, and while warm, seasoned with seasonings, coriander and oil. If you choose creamy, you should first soften it (you can just at room temperature) or grind it with herbs.

International dishes with beans: Greece is also rich in ideas

The Mediterranean also willingly uses this component in its dishes. Yes, interesting and delicious dishes Greece can offer green beans, and this time not salads. From these beans you can prepare a hearty and unusual full meal. For it you will need half a kilo of beans, four finely chopped cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil (in the original - olive oil, of course), a couple of onions and carrots, 400 g canned tomatoes, peeled, a teaspoon of oregano and salt. The garlic is lightly fried in hot oil, beans are added to it, everything is mixed, and chopped (smaller) tomatoes are added. After boiling, the heat is reduced and the contents of the pan are simmered for about 30 minutes. A sign of readiness will be the softness of the beans and almost boiled away tomato juice. Then a dressing is prepared from finely chopped carrots and onions, preserved in olive oil. It is added to the main dish, which, after starting to boil, is salted, peppered and removed from the stove. Served on the table as an independent dish, sprinkled with herbs.

Frozen base

Despite the growing popularity of these legumes, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase them fresh. And then the question arises of how to cook green beans if they were purchased frozen. The best option is to make a side dish out of it, and one that is suitable for meat dishes and as an accompaniment to porridge, pasta or potatoes. In addition to frozen beans, you will need garlic, onions, pepper, salt and vegetable (again, olive oil is better). All components are taken “by eye”. The beans are pre-boiled, and there is no need to defrost them. Manufacturers often recommend doing this for about twenty minutes, but this time is clearly excessive - the product loses its natural color and shape. Five minutes after boiling will be enough. Boiled beans are immersed in ice water for the same time to preserve appearance. While it is “fixed”, onions are simmered in oil, to which beans are then added, and a little later - garlic and pepper. All components are slightly fried, then the container is covered with a lid, and the dish simmers under it for several minutes so that the ingredients are mutually permeated with each other’s aromas. Naturally, this is not the only way frozen green beans can be prepared. The recipes are very varied, but we found this one the most appetizing.

How to properly freeze green beans

In the summer you can find, invent or invent many dishes from such tasty beans. But I would like to see them on my table even in the cold. There are a huge number of ways to cook green beans for the winter, but the most functional is still freezing. This way it retains all its nutritional and beneficial features and leaves room for culinary imagination. At the same time, freezing is quite simple to perform and does not require significant costs. The preparation is simple: the raw materials are washed, the tails are removed, the pods are cut into 2-3 parts (this depends on the size of the beans) and placed in boiling, slightly salted water. The pan is covered with a lid, and after boiling, the pods are cooked for about 20 minutes. The drained and cooled beans are packaged in bags or containers (sleeves) for freezing, the container is tied or packaged and placed in the freezer. Now, at the right moment, all that remains is to remove the product from the packaging and create culinary masterpieces from it.

How to marinate correctly

Green beans for the winter can be prepared according to other recipes. In particular, it is good when marinated. For a kilogram of the main product, take a marinade consisting of a tablespoon of salt, a shot of 9% vinegar, a liter of water and 100 g of sugar. The pods are prepared accordingly, cut into proportionate pieces and slightly blanched in boiling water. At this time, the marinade is prepared and the dishes are sterilized. The beans are placed in jars, poured with hot marinade, after which the jars are sealed, turned over onto the lid, wrapped, and after cooling, hidden in the pantry.

And keep in mind: this is not all that green beans can please you with! Try it, experiment - and you will forever remain her fan.

Beans in the form of pods are very useful product. It also doesn't contain many calories, so it is often the basis for many low-calorie dishes. Beans are often frozen, which allows you to save most of them. useful substances of this vegetable. You can purchase ready-made packages of frozen green beans. How to cook? In a frying pan, in a saucepan, use as an ingredient complex dishes. Fantasy in this matter is unlimited. Below are several recipes, from the simplest to the more complex. Everyone can find something for themselves.

What are the benefits of this product

This type of bean, like green beans, has a number of undeniable advantages over other products. It is known that this product increases the body's resistance to a number of infections. By consuming regularly, you can strengthen your immune system. This product also contains substances that help with anemia.

Due to their low calorie content, green beans are popular in light recipes. However, it also helps get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood. Side dish of beans meat dish can be a useful supplement, as this vegetable helps the stomach digest fatty and heavy foods.

Frozen beans: secrets of selection and preparation

Of course, it’s very nice to cook with vegetables that have just been picked from the garden. However, this is quite difficult to do, because not everyone has their own garden. Frozen foods come to the aid of such people. When purchasing packages of ready-made mixtures, you should pay attention to the expiration dates. It is also worth shaking the bag to make sure that there is not one stuck together lump, but separate pods.

How to properly cook frozen green beans? You can use a little trick. So that it ultimately turns out to be a beautiful color, and also has more rich taste, before cooking it should be rinsed with warm or cool water. This will remove the ice. Therefore, the cooking time indicated on the package can be reduced.

The simplest recipe. Fast and tasty

How to cook frozen green beans? This recipe can be used to prepare an independent dish or as a side dish. It goes perfectly with lamb and pork. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of beans.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • A tablespoon of vegetable oil and butter.
  • Salt and pepper.

To begin with, the garlic is peeled and passed through a press. You can also grate it on a fine grater. Vegetable oil is poured into the frying pan; it is better to use unscented oil. When it's hot, add the butter. Beans are added to it, pre-washed, that is, without ice. Fry over high heat for about three minutes. Then add garlic, salt and pepper, reduce heat and simmer under the lid until cooked. How to cook frozen green beans as a side dish according to this recipe? Many people like the product itself to remain a little hard, so seven minutes of simmering will be enough. For softer beans, you can increase the cooking time to ten to fifteen minutes. It is noteworthy that instead of fresh garlic, you can use its powder. It will also add flavor to the dish.

Beans with onions. Great side dish

Many housewives are wondering how to cook frozen green beans. You can cook it with onions, but first you need to boil the pods. We will need:

  • One medium sized onion.
  • 400 grams of beans.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • 1.5 liters of water.
  • A couple of tablespoons vegetable oil, better than olive.
  • A tablespoon of salt.
  • A little ground black pepper.

If desired, you can use other spices, such as nutmeg. You can also add dried herbs, such as celery. However, traditional peppers also go well with beans.

Method of preparation: detailed description

Water is poured into a pan and sent to the stove. When it boils, add a spoonful of salt (although it is better to taste the water) and stir. After this, you can add frozen green beans. How to cook it next? It is enough to boil for three minutes and drain in a colander.

Now peel the onions. It should be cut into small cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion. It should change color to golden brown. Now you can put the pre-boiled beans in the frying pan. It is fried for five minutes, sprinkled with spices, covered with a lid and simmered for another couple of minutes. During this time you can just have time to peel the garlic and chop it finely. Remove the beans from the stove, add the garlic, stir and leave covered for another ten minutes so that the aroma permeates the entire dish.

Great option for breakfast. Nourishing and tasty

Can I eat frozen green beans for breakfast? How to cook? With eggs! It is in this form that this vegetable is perfect as a tasty start to the day. For this dish you need the following products:

  • 400 grams of beans, that is, a standard pack.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • A little butter.
  • Water - about 1.5 liters.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • A teaspoon of vinegar.

The beans for this dish should first be boiled. It is washed and then placed in boiling water. Cook for about five minutes in salted water. Now vinegar is dissolved in a liter of boiled and cold water. The beans are thrown into a colander and washed with this solution. This will help maintain the pleasant and bright color of the product. This is another option for how to cook frozen green beans. There are many recipes, but this advice is relevant for most of them. However, if you don’t have the time or desire to ensure the beauty of the dish, you can skip this step.

Melt a little butter in a frying pan. You can replace it with vegetable, but this way the dish will have more delicate taste. During this time, the beans should have drained, they are sent to the frying pan and fried for a couple more minutes. Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat with a fork. Pour the mixture over the beans, cover the dish with a lid and cook until the eggs are cooked through.

Vegetable stew with meat

This dish is very filling. Men love it for its rich taste. And children are attracted to it by the bright color achieved by adding juicy vegetables. How to cook frozen green beans with meat? The following products are needed:

  • 300 grams of pork.
  • 400 grams of beans.
  • Three tomatoes.
  • One medium carrot.
  • Two onions.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • 1.5 cups of boiled water.

You can also use chicken meat. Beef will take longer to cook, but will give the dish a brighter flavor.

Step by step recipe

To begin, heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan. It is better to use a saucepan or cauldron, since there will be a lot of ingredients, and they all need to be stewed well. The pork is cut into small pieces and fried on both sides. The onion is peeled, cut into cubes and added to the meat. Cook like this for about two more minutes. Then carrots are added. This vegetable can be either cut into cubes or grated.

Tomatoes are peeled. To do this, they are cut in a circle, poured with boiling water and allowed to stand. Now it's much easier to remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients. After ten minutes, you can add the pre-washed pods.

How long does it take to cook frozen green beans according to this recipe? About forty minutes. You should also immediately add one and a half glasses of water, stir the dish and simmer everything under the lid.

The garlic is cut quite finely. Five minutes before it’s ready, add it and salt to the cauldron. Mix everything again. When serving, the dish is generously sprinkled with finely chopped fresh herbs, such as parsley or dill. Cilantro would also work.

Beans in cheese sauce

This recipe is quite original. However, it does not require any special ingredients. You will need:

  • 400 grams of beans.
  • Three processed cheese.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Two tablespoons of flour.
  • Salt.
  • Ground pepper and oregano.

Pour water into a saucepan and add washed beans. As a result, the liquid should protrude a couple of fingers above the vegetable. Salt and boil the product. The beans should cook for about seven minutes. The resulting broth will be used for the sauce, so it is not discarded.

When cooking, drain off some of the liquid and stir in the flour. Then pour this mixture into the cooking beans. Add spices. The garlic is cut finely and sent there. The cheeses need to be chopped and then also added to the vegetable. Mix everything and wait for the mass to thicken a little. Then you can remove the pan from the stove. It is worth noting that the most difficult thing in this dish is to carefully drain off the excess water, because the beans are still cooking. You should also sprinkle the beans with herbs before serving. Cilantro is great.

Beans with cheese are used as an independent dish, as it is very satisfying.

Green beans are a product that contains a large amount of vitamins. It is very useful as it lowers blood cholesterol levels and also supports the immune system. In addition, beans can be quickly cooked hearty dish. The presence of vegetable oil, garlic and salt is enough. Such a light, and most importantly, satisfying dinner will appeal to many. Men will like vegetables stewed with meat. In addition to beans, tomatoes and carrots look elegant in them.

Frozen green beans are a guarantee of a quick, tasty and healthy lunch or an elegant side dish. Preserving all the beneficial properties when frozen, beans saturate the body with vitamins at any time of the year. Helping out the hostess, soups and snacks are prepared from it in a matter of minutes.

How long to cook frozen beans

The immediate cooking time for frozen beans after boiling ranges from 3 to 7 minutes on average. If you boil the beans for 12-15 minutes, they will change their pleasant green color to a marsh color, become very boiled, lose their taste and become “fibrous”.

Approximate cooking time for frozen beans:

    Small pieces - 2-4 minutes;

    Young - 5-7 minutes;

    Overripe - 8-10 minutes.

To get the perfect dish, it is best to taste the beans in order to more accurately adjust the cooking time.

Instructions for cooking frozen beans

Often beans act as one of the main components of a dish that is fried, boiled or baked in a common container. Therefore, there is no need for pre-cooking. But if the green pods act as an independent side dish, then the beans must undergo proper heat treatment. It should remain crispy without losing its appetizing appearance.

A properly prepared side dish requires several steps.

    Bring water in a wide saucepan to a boil.

    If using whole pods, trim off the tails of the beans.

    If necessary, cut long fruits into 2 parts.

    Spray the pods with a stream hot water. This will rid the beans of excess ice and snow.

    * And this procedure does not reduce the temperature of the cooking water extra ice and will not entail an increase in cooking time.

    Throw the prepared frozen beans into the boiling liquid.

    Salt the pods to taste.

    * This will prevent all the beneficial substances from the product from being digested.

    After boiling, let the beans cook for a few minutes until tender.

    Immediately drain the hot liquid and place the beans in ice water.

    After 2 minutes, place the pods in a colander and let them drain. Serve beans as a side dish according to your preferences.

Delicious dishes with beans

There are many dishes based on green beans. They are loved and prepared by vegetarians and fans healthy eating, dieters and avid foodies. Soups and light dietary side dishes, dishes with mushrooms and meat, salads and casseroles are common recipes made from frozen pods. In addition to satiety and benefits, an additional advantage of each dish is its ease of preparation in a short time.

Quick breakfast “green beans with egg”

Hearty and vitamin breakfast for working people, active athletes and all green bean lovers.

  • Beans - 300 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Boil frozen pods until tender, cut into equal pieces. Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan. Place beans in hot oil and beat in a raw egg. Salt the dish and season with pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients and fry until done.

Nutritious lunch “fish soup with vegetables”

The most healthy and simple soup for lovers of green vegetables.

  • Fish - 500 gr
  • Frozen beans - 100 gr
  • Frozen green peas - 100 gr
  • Broccoli - 150 gr
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Allspice - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste

Boil the fish in 2 liters of water with bay leaf and allspice. Strain the finished broth, and remove the fish from the bones, cutting the fillets into portions.

Peel and rinse carrots and onions. Cut them into small cubes. Sauté vegetables in oil for hot frying pan until soft.

Into the boiling fish broth lay out the roasted vegetables. Add all the frozen vegetables and cook the soup for 8-10 minutes.

Serve the soup in portions, adding fish fillet to the plate.

Healthy afternoon snack “vegetable stew with beans”

Stewed vegetables will not leave anyone hungry, saturating the body with useful and nutritious elements.

  • Frozen beans - 200 gr
  • Potatoes - 200 gr
  • Zucchini - 200 gr
  • Onion - 100 gr
  • Tomatoes -100 gr
  • Bell pepper - 100 gr

Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the zucchini and potatoes into cubes. Chop the bell pepper and onion into rings. Cut the bean pods into pieces and the tomatoes into slices.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add potatoes and zucchini. Simmer the vegetables until softened with the addition of a small amount of water. Add peppers and onions to them. Saute everything for 5-7 minutes. Add the tomatoes and green beans last. Mix everything, season the stew with salt, pepper, and spices. Simmer until fully cooked.

Hearty and light dinner “chicken salad with yogurt”

A complete dinner for everyone: those who like to eat heartily and with appetite, those who adhere to a diet and care about their figure.

  • Chicken fillet - 500 gr
  • Green salad - 1 bunch
  • Green beans - 200 gr
  • Purple onion - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 200 gr
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Refueling
  • Greek yogurt - 200 ml
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Parsley - 3 sprigs
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - 1 pinch each

Cook hard-boiled eggs, cool, cut in half. Boil frozen beans in salted water. Wash and dry the vegetables.

Rub the chicken fillet with a mixture of salt, pepper and olive oil. Fry the pulp in a frying pan for 4 minutes on each side. Let the fillet cool and cut into pieces.

Chop the cucumber into cubes and the onion into thin half rings. Grind dill and garlic. For salad dressing, mix yogurt, olive oil, herbs and garlic in a bowl. Salt and pepper everything, mix.

Tear clean and dry lettuce leaves into a deep bowl. Add onion, cucumber and green beans to them. Place chicken fillet. Season the salad with sauce and mix gently. Before serving, decorate the dish with quail eggs.

Rating: (2 Votes)

Green beans contain a huge amount of useful substances. For example, folic acid, magnesium, iron and of course protein, which gives strength. This product can be used to prepare numerous dishes: salads, soups, side dishes. Best Recipes with green beans are selected and published below.

Ingredients: 370 g green beans, 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar, half a large sweet bell pepper, 240 g pickled red beans, purple onion, 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt, sugar.

Useful and delicious salad.

  1. Green beans are boiled in salted water for 4-5 minutes. Next, it is laid out in a colander.
  2. When the product has cooled and excess liquid has drained from it, you can pour the beans into a salad bowl.
  3. Add onion, diced and randomly chopped Bell pepper. The yellow vegetable looks especially impressive in this appetizer.
  4. Pickled beans without brine are poured into the salad.
  5. The ingredients are salted to taste and seasoned with a sauce of vinegar, butter and sugar.

Green bean salad is served to the table immediately after the performance.

Soup recipe

Ingredients: 320 g chicken, large tomato, 2 l filtered water, carrots, 130 g green beans, onion, salt, 3-4 potatoes, garlic to taste.

  1. The meat is cut into small slices and dipped in salt water. The broth is boiled from it for about half an hour. Potato blocks are immediately added to it.
  2. Grated carrots, onion cubes and tomato pieces directly with the skin are fried on vegetable oil until soft. IN vegetable mixture you can add any seasonings to taste. Crushed garlic is also placed here.
  3. Beans cut into cubes and fried from a frying pan are laid out in the broth. The soup is salted.
  4. Cook the ingredients together for another 12-14 minutes.

Green bean soup is served with a portion of chopped fresh herbs.

Green beans with egg

Ingredients: 670 g green beans, 2 large eggs, table salt, 2 large spoons of lime or lemon juice, a mixture of peppers.

A very nutritious dish.
  1. The beans are cleaned, washed with running water, then cut into short pieces and boiled in salted water for 7-9 minutes. Part of the broth should be saved.
  2. Raw eggs are beaten with citrus juice, a mixture of ground peppers and salt. A little of the remaining broth is poured here.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a frying pan, and the prepared beans are added to it.
  4. Cook over high heat with frequent stirring for about another minute.

The resulting green beans with egg are served both as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Broccoli with beans - healthy and tasty

Ingredients: half a lemon, half a kilo of broccoli, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 230 g of green beans, olive oil, 2 medium carrots, half a bunch of fresh parsley, salt.

  1. First of all, the cabbage is washed and disassembled into inflorescences. Next, it is cooked in boiling water for 7-8 minutes. The liquid must be salted immediately.
  2. In a separate bowl, cook carrots and beans until tender.
  3. All vegetables are transferred to a colander and doused with ice water. This will allow the green components to retain their bright, rich color.
  4. The beans are removed from the tails and cut into 4-5 pieces. The carrots are chopped into strips.
  5. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Chopped garlic is placed in it. As soon as a spicy aroma appears, you can add chopped vegetables to the oil and add salt. They fry for 3-4 minutes with frequent stirring.

The resulting dish is laid out in portions and sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Spicy frozen bean dish

Ingredients: 2 large spoons of tomato paste and refined oil, 420 g frozen green beans, 5-6 cloves of garlic, half a hot red pepper, 2 carrots, 2 large spoons of hot ketchup, white onion, salt, a pinch of coriander.

This dish is suitable for lovers of spicy food.
  1. The beans are defrosted under running cold water and cut into pieces. The carrots are coarsely rubbed. The onion is chopped into cubes.
  2. All ingredients are combined in a separate bowl.
  3. Oil, seasoning, crushed garlic, salt and very finely chopped red pepper are added to them.
  4. The mass is sent to simmer in the bowl of a “smart pan” for 30-40 minutes.

8-9 minutes before cooking, add ketchup to the dish.

How to stew with mushrooms?

Ingredients: 230 g green beans, large red onion, 170 g champignons, 2 large spoons homemade adjika, salt, any spices. How to deliciously cook green beans with mushrooms is described step by step below.

  1. If the beans are frozen, then they are immersed in cold water for a couple of minutes.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings, and the mushrooms into thick slices.
  3. Cook the onion in a frying pan in hot fat until soft. Next, mushrooms are laid out on it. The mass is salted and seasoned with selected spices.
  4. The food is simmered in a frying pan until the liquid released from the mushrooms evaporates.
  5. Next you can add beans and adjika.

With the lid closed, the dish will simmer until it reaches the desired consistency.

In Georgian

Ingredients: large onion, 3 fresh tomatoes, 5-6 garlic cloves, 320 g green beans, 2 large eggs, several leaves of parsley and cilantro, a handful of kernels walnuts, salt.

Georgian cuisine– this is diversity and abundance.
  1. The beans are cooked until tender in salted water.
  2. Onions, cut into small cubes, are fried until golden in any fat. A little broth from the pan is poured into the frying pan and the beans are laid out.
  3. Together, the products are simmered for 6-7 minutes over low heat.
  4. Next, crushed garlic, chopped herbs, beaten eggs, and salt are added here.
  5. After stirring, the pan remains on the stove for another 30 seconds, after which it is immediately removed from the heat and covered with a lid.

After 8-9 minutes, the dish can be laid out in portions and sprinkled with chopped nuts.

Warm salad with chicken and green beans

Ingredients: half a kilo of green beans, onion, salt, 60 ml of boiled water and the same amount of balsamic vinegar, 2 sweet bell peppers(yellow and red), 280 g chicken fillet, dried dill, olive oil.

  1. The beans are immersed in salted boiling water for only 2-2.5 minutes. It should remain firm at the same time. Next, the beans are placed in a colander.
  2. The chicken is cut into small pieces, fried until golden brown in olive oil and placed on a separate plate.
  3. Using the remaining fat, cubes of colored peppers with onion half rings are prepared.
  4. Green beans are also placed here.
  5. K already ready-made components chicken is added to warm through.
  6. The contents of the frying pan are transferred to the salad bowl.

The treat is seasoned with a sauce made from hot water, vinegar, dried dill and salt.

On the side

Ingredients: a kilo of green beans, 3-4 large spoons of butter, olive oil, table salt, a pinch of red pepper flakes, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 large spoon of lemon zest.

Will be a great addition to any dish.
  1. The legumes are washed and the tails are removed. If necessary, they can also be finely chopped. Next, the beans are cooked for 2-2.5 minutes in salted boiling water and immediately transferred to a bowl with very hot water. cold water or ice. This is necessary to maintain the bright color of the product.
  2. Immediately add both butter and a little olive oil to the pan. Finely chopped garlic and pepper flakes are poured in there. The components are fried for literally a few seconds, after which the bean components are added to them.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, you can pour salt and chopped zest into the frying pan.

The finished side dish is served hot with fish, poultry, meat and any vegetables.

Lobio - step by step recipe

Ingredients: 120 g green beans, 2 tomatoes, 110 g walnut kernels, table salt, half a green pod hot pepper, purple onion, 3-5 garlic cloves, 30 g each of fresh mint, cilantro, basil.

  1. The nuts are crushed in a blender until crumbly.
  2. The beans are washed, each pod is cut into 3-4 parts, and then boiled in salted boiling water for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. The tomatoes are peeled and finely chopped.
  4. Thin onion rings are fried in hot oil until golden brown. Tomatoes, chopped peppers and garlic are also added here.
  5. Cook the vegetables together for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Next, the beans are transferred to them.
  7. In 10-12 minutes the dish will be completely ready.
  8. All that remains is to add salt to it, sprinkle with nuts and chopped herbs.

Natalie: | November 2nd, 2018 | 7:11 pm

The beans were not tasty)
Answer: Natalie, thanks for your comment! The taste and color... This may not be your recipe.

Anton: | June 9th, 2018 | 8:37 am

Well, if we are talking about fasting, then butter is not suitable)) I don’t argue that it tastes better!)
Answer: Anton, thanks for the comment! Of course, there is no need to fill the post butter.

Gulya: | December 9th, 2015 | 7:52 am

Gulya: | May 16th, 2014 | 8:52 am

Cut the beans into the desired shape and boil in salted water. Drain in a colander. In a cast iron frying pan, fry the onion (you can also add diced potatoes), top with beans, pepper, add salt to taste and you’re done. Delicious. Sometimes I add tomatoes and bell peppers to the sauteed onions.
Answer: Gula, thank you very much!

Vera: | July 1st, 2013 | 4:33 dp

You can add egg at the end of frying.

Ol": | May 17th, 2013 | 9:08 pm

and at the end you can also add garlic and a spoon - two sour cream, and steam a little. tasty.

Nastya: | December 17th, 2012 | 10:22 am

and when I heat it up, I break a couple of eggs in there... It turns out very tasty :)

Marina: | November 7th, 2012 | 7:55 pm

Hello! Thank you for the interesting, and most importantly delicious recipes. my children love beans very much and so I will try to cook according to your recipe. I cook it myself a little differently - after cooking, I fry the onion a little until translucent, add beans, beat a raw egg a little with water, add a little simmer to the beans, salt, pepper, a little saffron - I like the color and aroma, utskho suneli green cilantro and everything is eaten very quickly . Try it, maybe someone will like it.

Alexandra: | August 11th, 2012 | 7:52 pm

I love frozen beans because they can be cooked with one hand (the other is often occupied by the baby))
my recipe is in a frying pan under a lid with the addition of water, vegetable oil, salt and sesame seeds. I keep it under the lid until it defrosts and “sticks”, then without the lid until it’s ready and until the remaining water has evaporated.

Svetlana: | May 31st, 2012 | 8:22 pm

I, too, most often act like Sveta. I like that the beans have a slight nutty flavor. Sunflower oil.

Olli: | May 30th, 2012 | 7:54 am

I cook the beans approximately the same way as Sveta does it, only I also add pepper (ground black, of course), but at the very end, when the beans are almost, but not quite ready, I rub a bun or a piece of bread (preferably stale) in my hands right over the frying pan. it will crumble easier) and fry the beans along with the resulting crumbs. It seems like nonsense, but the dish becomes much tastier. It is important to catch the moment when to add the crumbs. It should have time to fry until crunchy, but the beans should not become too soft. Give it a try. I also cook other frozen vegetables with crumbs, except for those mixtures that produce abundant juice when cooked (lecho, for example).

Answer: I'll try it with the baby. Something tells me this will be delicious. And at the same time, the uneaten pieces of bread will be refilled :)

Oksana: | May 26th, 2012 | 1:24 pm

You can also add dried garlic and sesame seeds.

Masha Mironova: | May 22nd, 2012 | 9:12 am

And I brought as much as five kilos from Kazakhstan))) A wonderful thing. Maybe look where you sell dried fruits at the market? Even in the north, the difference in price compared to store-bought packages and chickpeas from the market is huge, but there is almost no difference in the chickpeas themselves.

Answer: I tried chickpeas. My grandmother cooked it (with chicken and butter). I can’t say that I really liked it, just like peas. But I didn’t cook it myself. Thanks for the tip. I'll pay attention.

Masha Mironova: | May 21st, 2012 | 6:38 pm

Dash, don’t you have hummus in your pantry of side dishes? I recently figured out chickpeas and fell in love with them...

Answer: alas, Masha, I don’t cook hummus. You won’t find chickpeas here during the day, and even if you do find them, the price discourages anyone from buying them.

Sveta: | May 21st, 2012 | 6:50 am

I throw the frozen one straight into the frying pan + cooking oil + salt. All. This is what I understand)))
Fast and tasty. Both the color and crunch are in place.
Can be topped with sour cream when serving

Elena: | May 20th, 2012 | 9:22 am

Thanks for the good site and interesting recipes. Unfortunately I didn't like it very much.
Boil, drain, cool, drain, heat again. Most of the usefulness waved its hand. After all, food should not only be tasty, but, if possible, also as healthy as possible. Maybe it’s better to “boil-drain-fill”?

Answer: if you want :) But when the beans are cooled with cold water, this is what returns their green color and maintains a pleasant “crunch”. But eating cold beans is not very pleasant, so you need to heat them up again. The most healthy beans- it's raw. But I want it to still be tasty...

Katerina: | May 19th, 2012 | 8:13 pm

mmm.. I love green beans! thanks for the next tsu! When I was a child, my mother made a salad of green beans, onions and eggs. all this was seasoned with mayonnaise. I will definitely try the correct cooking method!

Olga: | May 19th, 2012 | 7:13 pm

You can simplify the recipe a little more if you cook the beans in a double boiler.

Lana: | May 19th, 2012 | 6:32 dp

Thank you, Dash. There’s just a package of beans in the freezer. I'll try French recipe do)))
