How to cook Korean pigodi. Pigodi at home step by step recipe with photos. Preparing the filling for Korean pygodi pies

Pigodi (pyan-syo, pegezy - korean pies for a couple)

Pigodi – steamed pies with minced meat

Korean pies with steamed meat and cabbage, also called: pian-sho, pegesians or pigodi, I tried it as a child in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The impression they made was so strong that even after many years I still remembered the taste, composition of the filling and surprisingly White color pian-se (then I couldn’t understand: if pian-se is a pie, then why is it not ruddy, but white, like a dumpling?!).

And recently I decided to look for how pian-sho is prepared. It turned out that the recipe for steamed pies is simple both in composition and in the method of preparation. Especially in our age of electric steamers. The long-awaited Korean pies turned out to be very tasty, especially if you eat them with hot sauce.

What is pigodi (pian-sho) made from?

for 20 pies

Yeast dough

  • Flour – 800 g + 100 g for sprinkling;
  • Warm water – (2 glasses);
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Dry yeast – 1 teaspoon.

Filling of Korean pies

  • Minced meat (preferably pork and beef) or finely chopped meat – 300 g;
  • White cabbage (you can take Chinese salad = Chinese cabbage) – 300 g;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro or basil) - to taste;
  • Ground coriander – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste.

Vegetable oil for lubricating the steamer - a little.

Composition of sauce for pigodi (pyan-sho, pegez)

  • Soy sauce – 1/4 cup;
  • Table vinegar 9% – 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Cilantro or other greens - several sprigs;
  • Chili pepper (red bitter) - a little;
  • Salt - to taste, optional, soy sauce is salty).

How to cook pyan-se (pygodi, pegezy)

Prepare dough for Korean pies

  • Stir yeast and sugar in 0.5 cups of warm water (30-35 degrees C).
  • As soon as the yeast comes to life and foam appears, combine the yeast with the rest of the water. Add salt. Gradually add flour. Knead the dough. We will have a dough.
  • Cover the bowl/pan with the dough with a lid, then with a towel (to preserve heat). And put it in a warm place (usually it’s warmest in the kitchen near the ceiling, you can put it on a cabinet). Let the dough rise (it should increase 1.5-2 times).
  • Knead the risen dough and let it rise again (do this 1-2 times). Ready dough will increase in volume by at least 2 times its original size.
  • Afterwards, sprinkle the table with flour, place the dough on it and knead it again (until it becomes smooth and shiny). If the dough sticks to your hands, add more flour (usually for pian-sho you use stronger dough than for regular pies).

The time required to rise the pian-sho dough depends on the type and quality of the yeast, and how favorable (warm) conditions are created in the kitchen for the dough. For cooking yeast dough for pian-sho it takes approximately 2 hours.

Prepare the filling of pigodi (pian-sho)

  • Finely chop (chop) the meat or make minced meat. You can use ready-made, purchased minced meat of good quality.
  • Chop the cabbage thinly and finely. Sprinkle a little salt and squeeze with your hands (so that it softens and absorbs the salt). Usually, in winter they sell cabbage with hard and rough leaves. Then it's better to replace it Chinese cabbage(Chinese salad).
  • Finely chop the onion. Pass the garlic through a press (you can grate or chop finely). Cut off the thick stems of the greens and finely chop the leaves.
  • Combine minced meat, cabbage, herbs, onions, garlic, spices. Add salt and stir well.

Make a pygodi (pian-sho)

  • Form the dough into a ball, then divide into 20 parts. Which are also rolled into balls. Flatten the balls into flat cakes (less than 0.5 cm thick). This is the basis of the yang-sho pie.
  • Place 1 tablespoon of minced meat on each flatbread. First connect the middle of the pie, then pick up the edges. You should get a neat sealed seam, and the pigodi should take on an oval shape with rounded or pointed ends. If desired, it can be with curly tucks (for beauty).

Cook pygodi (pyang-se) in a steamer

  • Grease the steamer bowl vegetable oil. Place the pies seam side down at a distance from each other, because the pian-sho will increase in volume during cooking.
  • Pour into the lower bowl of the steamer hot water(this way we will save time by skipping the water heating step). To cover with a lid. Cook pian-sho in a double boiler for 40 minutes.

How serve and store pian-sho (pigodi)

  • Ready-made white Korean pies can be greased with vegetable or butter. This way they will shine beautifully.
  • Serve pian-sho better with soy-based spicy sauce. It will be simply delicious! Although, the pies are good on their own.
  • Pian-sho (pigodi) should be stored in a sealed container or tightly tied plastic bag.

Preparing sauce for pigodi (pian-sho)

  • Chop the greens and garlic. Combine all sauce ingredients (except salt). Salt should only be tasted. If you feel like there is not enough salt to taste, add salt.

Bon appetit!

Ready-made Korean steam pies!

Cooking pigodi - photo

What is the dough for white pies pian-sho (pigodi) made from? The kneaded dough should rise again. Knead the finished dough on the table.
The finished dough is rolled into a ball. Divide the dough into 20 pieces, which we roll into balls.
Composition of the filling of Korean pies pian-se (pigodi) For meat filling
you can use minced meat or finely chopped meat for pigodi (pyang-se) Chopped garlic for filling pigodi Chopped greens for filling pyang-se Ready filling
for steamed pigodi (pyan-syo) pies Place the minced meat on the dough Seam on the pigodi (pian-syo) pies
Grease the steamer with oil Place the pigodi in the steamer, seam side down Cooking the pigodi in the steamer takes 40 minutes

Pigodi pies turn out white, smooth and shiny!

  • Delicious Korean pies with Pigodi minced meat are ready!
  • You will need:
  • 600 grams of flour;
  • 400 milliliters of spring or mineral water;
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;

2 tablespoons yeast;

  1. 1 tablespoon sugar.
  2. First you need to know some of the nuances of preparing yeast dough.
  3. You can’t cut the dough with a knife or roll it out with a rolling pin and do everything exclusively with your own hands; energy drinks even say that in this way the food is saturated with your energy and love.
  4. The dough should rise well, rise twice and quadruple in volume.
  5. It is best to sift the flour, so it will be saturated with oxygen and the dough will be free of lumps.
  6. You need to cook with love and a great mood!
  7. For pigodi, it is best to take spring or mineral still water.

Yeast “doesn’t like” to be disturbed, so do as little manipulation as possible when kneading the dough.

  • During cooking, do not open the lid of the mantyshnitsa and after cooking, do not cool the pygodi sharply, but place them in a container and cover with a kitchen cotton napkin or towel.
  • The first step is to make a dough. To do this, take from the prepared ingredients:
  • 4 large spoons of flour;
  • 2 teaspoons yeast;

To ensure that the dough is well mixed, I first mix the dry ingredients. Pour sifted flour, yeast and sugar into a cup.

I stir.

I pour a glass of warm water and stir again, at this stage you can already observe how the yeast reacts and bubbles form. It is important that the water is warm, this will improve the process, but not too hot, so that the yeast does not cook.

Leave it for literally 5-15 minutes until such a fluffy cap is formed. On warm days, I put a cup of dough on the window; the natural heat makes the yeast rise better.

In container bigger size where we will knead the dough, add half of the remaining flour, salt and vegetable oil. It is important to stir the salt before you add the yeast because salt stops the fermentation process.

Pour in the rest of the water, preferably it should also be warm, so the dough will rise faster and better.

Mix everything, you can do this with a spoon, because the dough will be liquid and stick to your hands.

Now pour out the risen dough and the rest of the flour.

Knead the dough. It should be moderately elastic and not stick to your hands. Be sure to grease with oil so that the dough does not dry out. Insulate and remove to rise for about 1.5-2 hours.

Dough after first rise.

This is how the dough increased after the second rise.

Then grease the surface of the table with vegetable oil, and also grease your hands with oil to make it easier to sculpt the pygodi. Form all the dough into balls the size of a tennis ball.

You need to start sculpting from the first ball moving towards the last one, this way the dough will have time to sit a little and rise.

Use your fingers to knead the ball.

You can make the edges a little thinner than the middle.

Lay out the cooled minced meat.

Blind the edges tightly.

I like to cover the edges with a pigtail.

Place the pigodi on a pan greased with vegetable oil and cover with a kitchen cloth. At this point I put the water to boil, this will take about 30 minutes, and in the meantime the pigodi will steep well.

Steam for 40-50 minutes. After the pigodi are cooked, place them in a bowl or pan, covering the bottom and top with a towel or cotton napkin.

That's all, the pigodi are ready!

Take note of this recipe and take into account the nuances so that your pigodi are the most delicious and appetizing!

Pigodi (also known as bigodi or pyan-se) is a Korean dish filled with meat, usually pork, and vegetables. They are steamed, so they are low in calories and healthy. How to cook pigodi in Korean?

How to cook pigodi in Korean


Wheat flour 500 grams Instant yeast 1 tsp Water 300 milliliters Sugar 1 tbsp. Salt 1 pinch

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Cooking pigodi: dough recipe

For this dish, straight yeast dough is used. To prepare it, you need:

Wheat flour – 500–600 gr.;

Instant yeast – 1 tsp;

Water – 300 - 350 ml;

Sugar – 1 tbsp. l. (without slide);

Salt – a pinch.

There are recipes that use milk instead of water. This option has a right to exist, but classic recipe Korean pies use water. And it’s even better if it comes from a well or spring.

Sift flour into a deep container. Pour in water at room temperature, add sugar, salt and yeast. Knead soft dough, does not stick to your hands. After kneading, the dough should rest for about 1 hour. At this time, you can start preparing the filling for pian-se.

Cooking pigodi in Korean

The filling for this dish can be very different. But the most popular remains the classic one. For it you need:

Lean pork – 400–450 g;

Cabbage – 800 gr.;

Onions – 3–4 pcs.;

Coriander – ¼ tsp;

Vegetable oil – 2–3 tbsp. l.;

Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the pork into small pieces. Chop the cabbage and mash it until it releases its juice. The onion is cut into half rings or cubes.

Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the onion. Add the meat and cook until the meat juices evaporate. After this, add cabbage and spices. Mix thoroughly and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Be sure to let it cool.

Important! The filling does not have to be completely ready.

At this point the preparatory work is completed, you can start cooking.

Divide the dough into small pieces, roll each of them into circles, about 1 cm thick. Place the filling in the center of the resulting flat cake and carefully seal the product, giving it a slightly oblong shape.

Lightly grease the shape of a steamer, multicooker or pressure cooker with oil and place the pies there to proof for 10–15 minutes. After this, they need to be steamed for about 30–40 minutes.

Proper serving of Korean pies

This dish is best served hot with sauce and any Korean salad. Here is an example of a common presentation of a dish.

Let's prepare the sauce. Add 0.5 tsp to 25 ml of soy sauce. vinegar, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil and spices (coriander, red and black ground pepper). Squeeze 2 cloves of garlic and add 25 ml of boiled water.

Using a knife, cut the middle of the pie, add 1 tsp inside. sauce and some Korean carrots. You can taste it!

Pyan-se pies are easy to prepare, which is why they are popular among housewives. Once you cook this dish, it will be on your menu forever.

Pigodi (also called pegodya, bigodi or pyan-se) are Korean steamed pies. Their recipe will fit perfectly into the menu of everyday and holiday tables.

Korean pigodi pies are incredibly juicy and airy. They are usually prepared with meat and cabbage. Since they are steamed, the dough comes out very light and the filling is incredibly tasty. Korean-style pies are very light on the stomach: they are not soaked in a huge amount of vegetable oil, as is the case when frying traditional pies.

It is very simple to prepare homemade pigodi in Korean; even a novice housewife can handle it. You will need the simplest and most familiar products. Moreover, the dough for pygodi is yeast, so you won’t discover anything fundamentally new in the recipe for making Korean steamed pies. Only the taste turns out to be very delicate and airy!

Korean-style pygodi can be prepared at home every day, since they are not as high in calories as regular pies, and the cost of Korean pygodi is low. Take a small piece of meat, wheat flour and vegetables, which is available in every home, and start creating Korean-style pigodi. Our step by step recipe with photo will become an indispensable assistant for you in the kitchen.

Pigodi in Korean


  • Premium wheat flour (1 kg)
  • Dry yeast (1 tsp)
  • Water (how much dough will take)
  • Table salt (to taste)
  • Pork pulp (500 g)
  • White cabbage (500 g)
  • White onions (1-2 pcs.)
  • Sunflower oil (100 ml)
  • Ground black pepper (to taste)


  1. First you need to prepare the dough on the pigodi so that it rises well and increases in volume. Sift the wheat flour several times and place in a deep bowl. Add salt, dry yeast and water. Knead the dough. If it turns out very dense and stiff, add water and knead well. The water should be warm, but not hot. Cover the dough with a kitchen towel or gauze cloth to allow it to “breathe” and place in a warm place for 2-3 hours.
  2. While the dough is rising, it's time to prepare the minced meat for the pigodi. Pass the pork or any other meat through a meat grinder and place in a container. Peel the onions and immerse them in cold water for 5-10 minutes, so as not to shed tears during cutting. If you have a medium-sized onion, then you will need two pieces, but if you have a large one, one onion will be enough.
  3. Cut the onion into thin half rings and place in a heated frying pan. Add some vegetable oil. Chop the cabbage into thin strips and place in a frying pan with onions. Stew the vegetables for 5-7 minutes, then add minced meat, add salt, pepper, mix well and simmer for several minutes. After this, turn off the heat and let the filling cool completely.
  4. So the required few hours have passed, and the dough has increased in volume several times. Knead it well so that it does not stick to your hands. Let the yeast dough rest a little from the resulting stress, so leave it for another 10-15 minutes. After this, start forming dough balls so that each piece fits in your palm. Mash the ball a little in your hand and make a cake out of it about 0.5-1 centimeter thick. Take a tablespoon and place the minced meat in the center of the dough. You can put more or less minced meat. Do as you please.
  5. Carefully seal the edges of the future pigodi pie.
  6. Do the same with the other dough balls. Give them a neat pie shape and leave for 30 minutes so that the yeast dough “rests” and the pigodi rise a little.
  7. If you have a manty fish in your house, that’s simply excellent. If not, you can get by with a regular steamer or make a steam bath at home yourself. To do this, fill the pan halfway with water and bring to a boil. Place a colander on top and place Korean pigodi on it. Turn the heat to medium and steam the Korean pies for 40 -50 minutes.

These are the beauties you should get! Fragrant, juicy and incredibly tasty Korean-style pies will forever be loved by your family and friends. And you will once again prove your ability to work excellently with baked goods, and even with the baked goods of other nations!

When my husband found out that we would have steamed pies for dinner, and even made from yeast dough, he was probably speechless... And I also forgot to tell him that the filling would be minced meat and stewed cabbage, so he would have been completely out. But as it turns out, such pies exist; they came to us from Korean cuisine. For me at first it was somehow unacceptable: yeast dough - and steamed! But as it turned out, the result was very tasty and hearty dish. So it will remain on our menu, hopefully forever.

steamed pies (steam pies in Korean)

The first time I cooked pigodi, then I made the meat filling without cabbage, somehow I was afraid to add it. But this time it was already fresh cabbage and I cooked the pigodi in my assistant’s multi-cooker pressure cooker, and it took me only 15 minutes to cook (plus 10 minutes of pressure). In total, it takes 25 minutes to prepare the pies in a slow cooker, and you have on your table aromatic beauties made from yeast dough stuffed with cabbage and minced meat. But if you don’t have such a multi-cooker, then you can easily cook pygodi in a double boiler or mantovarka (manto-cooker).

Ideally, to prepare pigodi, they use pork, chopped into small cubes, but I had it in the freezer ready minced meat, and I made my job easier, since I don’t really like cutting meat finely. You can serve pigodi simply with butter, as I did, or with tomato sauce or ketchup. You can also put it on top Korean carrots and water soy sauce. Everything is according to your taste and desire.

In order to prepare pigodi or, in our opinion, steamed yeast dough pies in a multicooker - pressure cooker, you will need the following ingredients:


To prepare the dough:

  • Wheat flour,
  • Water – 0.5 liters,
  • Yeast (dry quick) – 1 sachet,
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces.

To prepare the filling:

  • Chopped meat(or meat) – 500 grams,
  • Fresh cabbage – 400 grams,
  • Onion (large) – 1 piece,
  • Garlic – 2 cloves,
  • Salt and black ground pepper taste,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Butter (for serving).

Cooking process:

First, let's prepare the yeast dough for steamed pies. To do this, dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place for fermentation. In another cup, dissolve salt in warm water and add vegetable oil.
Then add the fermented yeast to the water and beat in two eggs, mix everything thoroughly. Then add flour until you have a thick, elastic dough. Transfer the finished dough into a deep cup and sprinkle with flour, cover with a napkin and leave for 1 hour in a warm place to rise.

At this time, let's prepare the filling. Place the minced meat in a frying pan and, covering with a lid, simmer over medium heat until all the liquid has completely evaporated. At this time, you need to peel the garlic and onion, then chop it very finely. Shred the cabbage thinly.
When all the liquid has evaporated from the minced meat, add a little vegetable oil and cabbage with onions and garlic, mix thoroughly. Fry the cabbage until soft. You can add any spices to your taste, I added salt and ground black pepper, just a little, since my child will eat pigodi, and too spicy is harmful for children.

Roll out the risen dough into a rope, which we cut into pieces, then roll each piece of dough in flour and roll it into a flat cake (not too thin).

Then place 1 - 2 tbsp on each flatbread. spoons of minced meat and cabbage filling. We fix the flatbread in the form of a pie or. We carefully fix it so that all the juice remains inside and is absorbed into the dough, and does not leak out. Steam pies turn out big.

Place the finished pies on a steaming rack, which should be generously greased with butter or vegetable oil. Then pour 1 glass of water into the multicooker bowl and you can add spices, I added black peppercorns, bay leaf, one peeled onion (I did this to make the dough even more flavorful).

Place the tray in the multicooker bowl and, closing the lid, select the steam cooking mode and set the time to 15 minutes.

Place the finished pigodi on a dish and generously grease with melted butter.

I would like to offer a variant of a spicy sauce for pigodi, very tasty, but very spicy.

    Pigodi sauce

Place hot red pepper in a small bowl, pour hot vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), mix with soy sauce (5 tablespoons) and finely chopped parsley or cilantro, if desired. Mix everything thoroughly and the sauce is ready for use.

This time I didn’t do such a miracle, since I was short on time, and there was no parsley in the refrigerator.

You can optionally add a little (optional) chopped garlic, adjika or mustard, or someone like me likes mustard with horseradish, mmm, it will be delicious!

Now how to use this sauce. Take one steamed pie and open it a little, then pour the sauce inside with a small spoon, bite off a piece and enjoy the aromas and taste!

For the recipe and step by step photos for preparing pigodi, we thank Slavyana.

The Recipe Notebook website wishes you a pleasant meal.
