Beans with chicken and vegetables recipes. Stewed beans with chicken. Video recipes for beans with chicken and vegetables

Chicken and beans, widespread in world cuisines, is a satisfying, tasty and easy-to-prepare dish. Common beans are one of the most widespread food crops since ancient times. The variety of varieties and varieties of beans is amazing. The edible green pods are a common ingredient for preparing all kinds of dishes. In the Caucasus they cook amazing things in combination with various additives. And it is popular in the East.

Dry bean seeds used for food vary greatly in shape, size, and color. The color of beans ranges from white, variegated, two-colored to completely black, like a raven’s wing. I remember from childhood how my grandmother did not sow beans separately in the garden. Bean bushes grew in huge numbers along the perimeter of the garden and separated small areas with different plants. But in the end, in the fall, a large bag of beans was collected and cooked all winter.

In the ancient world of the Americas, beans were the main food plant grown by the Indians. Black beans with small and slightly sweet beans were especially popular. Depending on the variety, black beans can be cooked without even soaking them first. You can prepare soups, salads, all kinds of main courses from black beans. Chicken and beans, if you use black beans, have a slight smoky flavor.

Famous dish Mexican cuisine or Texas cuisine, meat and peppers - great with red or black beans. Mexican dish casados ​​- a mixture of black beans with rice and vegetables, served as a side dish meat dishes, can be made with black beans or pinto beans, which are red and black in color. A typical Brazilian dish is feijoada - black beans with dried meat, sausage and a lot of spices.

Historical books of the 16th century describe the properties of local varieties (species) of beans used by the Aztecs. Among them, large black beans and small and black mouse beans are mentioned.

For dinner, chicken and beans are not difficult to prepare. All you have to do is soak the beans in advance and, if possible, boil them until tender. Vegetables and chicken for the dish, a little tomato and herbs - an extended version. This is all available and does not require preliminary preparation. Chicken with beans is a hearty and very tasty dish. If desired, chicken and beans can be prepared quite spicy, which is actually correct, given that the dish has Mexican roots.

Chicken with beans. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Chicken thighs 3-4 pieces
  • Black beans 1 cup
  • Purple onion 3 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Chili pepper to taste
  • Cilantro 0.5 bunch
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, ground hot pepper, sugar, ground coriander Spices
  1. Chicken and beans can be made with more than just black beans. In principle, if the beans do not boil into porridge, but retain the shell intact, during a sufficiently long heat treatment, they are perfect for making stew. In home cooking, beans are usually used, the properties of which are known. Therefore, choosing beans for a dish will not cause difficulties.
  2. To cook beans well, you need to rinse them in advance and soak them in cold water for several hours, or better yet, overnight. Drain the water from the beans, rinse them again and pour 1.5-2 liters cold water, set to cook. From experience: to prevent the beans from overcooking, I cook the beans at a very low boil, without covering the pan with a lid. For black beans, the boiling time until fully cooked was 25 minutes, and the shell of the grains was not damaged. Other types of beans can be cooked for up to 1 hour. Place the finished beans in a colander to drain the liquid and, transferring them into a deep bowl, cover with something to prevent the beans from chapping.

    Black beans are a very interesting product

  3. Thaw chicken meat in advance. I don’t really like chicken fillet in such dishes; “white” meat has a fibrous structure and is more suitable for grilling. By the way, it's very tasty and quick dish. The fillet also turns out delicious. For frying with vegetables and preparing stews, I prefer to use chicken thighs, legs, and drumsticks. Also for the dish you will need several not very sharp onions and a large head of garlic. I noticed that purple onions are less spicy and sweeter than white ones.

    Chicken thighs, onions and garlic for stew

  4. Peel the onion and cut into large strips. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and let it warm up to get rid of the specific smell characteristic of natural oil. Fry on olive oil chopped onion until soft.

    Fry chopped onion in olive oil

  5. Divide the head of garlic into individual cloves without peeling them. Add unpeeled garlic cloves to the onion and fry everything together for 2-3 minutes, stirring.

    Add unpeeled garlic cloves to onions

  6. While the onion is frying, remove the skin from the chicken, cut out the bone and cartilage. Cut red meat into large slices. Eg, chicken thigh should be cut into 6-8 pieces. Add the chicken to the onion and fry everything together over medium heat for 5-6 minutes. It is necessary that the onion begins to brown a little, and the chicken meat becomes light. Considering that the chicken will still be stewing for quite a long time, there is no need to bring the chicken to readiness.

    Add chicken to onions and fry everything together

  7. Add cooked beans and chili pepper to taste. If there is a fresh pod hot pepper, it can be added whole, then it will not add significant spiciness to the taste of the dish, but will make the chicken and beans very aromatic. You can add a few dry hot peppers, this is even preferable. Fry the chicken and beans for 2-3 minutes. Then salt, pepper, add 0.5 tsp. sugar and ground coriander to taste.

    Add cooked beans and chili peppers

  8. The chicken will be stewed in tomato sauce. I’ll say right away that high-quality tomato paste is perfect. The tomato, depending on the season and availability, can be anything. Ideally, of course, use fresh tomatoes or canned tomato pulp. But, since this is not always possible, homemade and natural tomato juice is quite suitable.
  9. Add tomato paste to the chicken and beans, 2 tbsp is enough. l. with top, and 1.5 glasses of water. Mix chicken with beans and tomatoes. You can add additional spices to taste and if desired.

    Add tomato paste to chicken and beans

  10. Simmer the chicken and beans, covered, over the lowest heat possible. The dish should barely boil. Heat treatment time - from 30 minutes or more. Stews What’s good about them is that their taste develops during prolonged stewing. I stewed the dish for about 1 hour.

Chicken and beans, widespread in world cuisines, is a satisfying, tasty and easy-to-prepare dish. Common beans are one of the most widespread food crops since ancient times. The variety of varieties and varieties of beans is amazing. The edible green pods are a common ingredient for preparing all kinds of dishes. In the Caucasus they prepare amazing food in combination with various additives. And it is popular in the East.

Dry bean seeds used for food vary greatly in shape, size, and color. The color of beans ranges from white, variegated, two-colored to completely black, like a raven’s wing. I remember from childhood how my grandmother did not sow beans separately in the garden. Bean bushes grew in huge numbers along the perimeter of the garden and separated small areas with different plants. But in the end, in the fall, a large bag of beans was collected and cooked all winter.

In the ancient world of the Americas, beans were the main food plant grown by the Indians. Black beans with small and slightly sweet beans were especially popular. Depending on the variety, black beans can be cooked without even soaking them first. You can prepare soups, salads, all kinds of main courses from black beans. Chicken and beans, if you use black beans, have a slight smoky flavor.

A well-known dish in Mexican or Texas cuisine, peppered meats are great with red or black beans. The Mexican dish casados, a mixture of black beans with rice and vegetables, served as a side dish for meat dishes, can be prepared from black beans or pinto beans, a red-black hue. A typical Brazilian dish is feijoada - black beans with dried meat, sausage and a lot of spices.

Historical books of the 16th century describe the properties of local varieties (species) of beans used by the Aztecs. Among them, large black beans and small and black mouse beans are mentioned.

For dinner, chicken and beans are not difficult to prepare. All you have to do is soak the beans in advance and, if possible, boil them until tender. Vegetables and chicken for the dish, a little tomato and herbs - an extended version. This is all available and does not require prior preparation. Chicken with beans is a hearty and very tasty dish. If desired, chicken and beans can be prepared quite spicy, which is actually correct, given that the dish has Mexican roots.

Chicken with beans. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Chicken thighs 3-4 pieces
  • Black beans 1 cup
  • Purple onion 3 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Chili pepper to taste
  • Cilantro 0.5 bunch
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, ground hot pepper, sugar, ground coriander Spices
  1. Chicken and beans can be made with more than just black beans. In principle, if the beans do not boil into porridge, but retain the shell intact, during a sufficiently long heat treatment, they are perfect for making stew. In home cooking, beans are usually used, the properties of which are known. Therefore, choosing beans for a dish will not cause difficulties.
  2. To cook beans well, you need to rinse them in advance and soak them in cold water for several hours, or better yet, overnight. Drain the water from the beans, rinse them again and add 1.5-2 liters of cold water and let them cook. From experience: to prevent the beans from overcooking, I cook the beans at a very low boil, without covering the pan with a lid. For black beans, the boiling time until fully cooked was 25 minutes, and the shell of the grains was not damaged. Other types of beans can be cooked for up to 1 hour. Place the finished beans in a colander to drain the liquid and, transferring them into a deep bowl, cover with something to prevent the beans from chapping.

    Black beans are a very interesting product

  3. Thaw chicken meat in advance. I don’t really like chicken fillet in such dishes; “white” meat has a fibrous structure and is more suitable for grilling. By the way, this is a very tasty and quick dish. The fillet also turns out delicious. For frying with vegetables and preparing stews, I prefer to use chicken thighs, legs, and drumsticks. Also for the dish you will need several not very sharp onions and a large head of garlic. I noticed that purple onions are less spicy and sweeter than white ones.

    Chicken thighs, onions and garlic for stew

  4. Peel the onion and cut into large strips. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and let it warm up to get rid of the specific smell characteristic of natural oil. Fry chopped onion in olive oil until soft.

    Fry chopped onion in olive oil

  5. Divide the head of garlic into individual cloves without peeling them. Add unpeeled garlic cloves to the onion and fry everything together for 2-3 minutes, stirring.

    Add unpeeled garlic cloves to onions

  6. While the onion is frying, remove the skin from the chicken, cut out the bone and cartilage. Cut red meat into large slices. For example, a chicken thigh should be cut into 6-8 pieces. Add the chicken to the onion and fry everything together over medium heat for 5-6 minutes. It is necessary that the onion begins to brown a little, and the chicken meat becomes light. Considering that the chicken will still be stewing for quite a long time, there is no need to bring the chicken to readiness.

    Add chicken to onions and fry everything together

  7. Add cooked beans and chili pepper to taste. If you have a fresh pod of hot pepper, you can add it whole, then it will not add significant spiciness to the taste of the dish, but will make the chicken and beans very aromatic. You can add a few dry hot peppers, this is even preferable. Fry the chicken and beans for 2-3 minutes. Then salt, pepper, add 0.5 tsp. sugar and ground coriander to taste.

    Add cooked beans and chili peppers

  8. The chicken will be stewed in tomato sauce. I’ll say right away that high-quality tomato paste is perfect. The tomato, depending on the season and availability, can be anything. Ideally, of course, use fresh tomatoes or canned tomato pulp. But, since this is not always possible, homemade and natural tomato juice is quite suitable.
  9. Add tomato paste to the chicken and beans, 2 tbsp is enough. l. with top, and 1.5 glasses of water. Mix chicken with beans and tomatoes. You can add additional spices to taste and if desired.

    Add tomato paste to chicken and beans

  10. Simmer the chicken and beans, covered, over the lowest heat possible. The dish should barely boil. Heat treatment time - from 30 minutes or more. The good thing about stewed dishes is that their flavor develops during long-term stewing. I stewed the dish for about 1 hour.

Before you start cooking red beans with chicken, it’s worth saying a few words about it. Beans are very useful product, rich in plant protein, therefore often used in dietary programs. Using beans rich fiber, people are struggling with extra pounds.

In this dish, you should take care of the beans in advance. It should be sorted out and washed. Red beans should be soaked for 8-12 hours. Based on practice, I will say that it is convenient to do this overnight - soak it and forget it, and the very next day you can start cooking the product. In addition, soaked beans after cooking do not cause gas formation in the intestines.

After soaking, drain the water and fill the pan with beans with fresh water.

Place the beans on the stove and watch: as soon as the water boils, foam will form. Of course it should be removed.

Cook the beans for 2-3 hours. After 1.5 hours, you should periodically taste the beans so that they do not turn into porridge, as some beans cook faster and some slower.

You should not add salt to the beans during cooking, otherwise the product will be tough.
Rinse the finished beans under running water.

Peel the garlic and onions. Cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic with a knife. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry onion and garlic until golden. Remove vegetables from the pan into a bowl.

Chicken breast wash it, cut it into thin strips, so it will fry faster.

Add chicken pieces to the oil heated in a frying pan, fry over high heat for about 5 minutes. Then add spices, tomato paste, soy sauce. Pepper and salt to taste.

To prepare the dish I needed these ingredients. Pour the beans cold water and leave for a couple of hours, then drain the water. Pour clean water over the beans, put on the fire, and after the water boils, reduce the heat. Cook the beans until tender (about 1-1.5 hours). The cooking time depends on the type of beans. The beans should become soft, but not mushy. At the very end of cooking, add salt to taste. Strain the beans through a colander. Do not throw out the broth in which the beans were cooked; it may be useful when cooking chicken.

Wash the chicken, dry it, cut it into portions, lightly salt it and leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Then place the chicken pieces in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry until golden color(until half cooked).

Peel the carrots and onions.

Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots.

Fry the carrots and onions, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, then add the cooked beans.

Pour tomato sauce into the fried vegetables and beans and stir. Instead of tomato sauce, you can use tomato paste or tomato juice, adding salt, sugar and spices to taste.

Cook the chicken and beans in the oven for about 40-50 minutes. Then turn off the oven, open the door, and let the dish sit for a while.

Chicken cooked in the oven with beans in tomato sauce turns out soft, tender, juicy and very tasty.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the beans.

Any bean is highly enriched with proteins, as well as useful minerals, vitamins and other substances, but, unfortunately, we very often refuse this rich gift of nature because it causes fermentation in the intestines. To avoid this unpleasant stomach discomfort, you need to prepare the beans correctly! So, first we put them on the countertop and sort them out, while simultaneously removing any kind of debris.
Then we put it in a colander, rinse it, move it into a deep bowl and fill it with purified water so that it is 12–15 centimeters higher. Let these ingredients sit 7–8, or preferably 12 hours at room temperature in winter or in the refrigerator if you are cooking this dish in summer.

Step 2: cook the beans.

After the required time, place the soaked beans in a colander and rinse thoroughly again. Then put it in a small saucepan and fill it with purified water, 2-3 centimeters higher. We put it on high heat and after the liquid boils, reduce it to medium level. Using a slotted spoon, skim off the gray-white foam - coagulated protein - from the surface of the bubbling moisture. Cook the beans until fully cooked, about 1.5–2 hours, the duration of this process may vary depending on the variety and quality of the legumes.

Step 3: Prepare the chicken.

We don’t waste a minute - let’s start working on other important ingredients. We wash the fresh chicken fillet, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and use a sharp kitchen knife to remove excess fat, film, and cartilage from the meat. After this, cut it into small portions measuring from 2 to 3 centimeters and move them into a clean bowl.

Step 4: Prepare the vegetables.

Next, using a new knife, peel the vegetables indicated in the recipe. We also rinse them, dry them, place them one by one on a clean board and chop them. The shape of the cutting is not important, onions can be chopped into strips, cubes, rings, half rings, carrots as well, but the main thing is that the thickness of the pieces ranges from 4 to 7 centimeters. It is better to finely chop the garlic or pass it through a special press into a small bowl.

Step 5: prepare the boiled beans and make the tomato mixture.

When the beans are ready, place them in a colander, rinse them again, place them in a deep bowl and leave them there until use. After this, mix the required amount in a clean container. tomato paste with 1 or 1.5 glasses of water and proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Prepare the bean and chicken stew.

Place a deep non-stick frying pan over medium heat and pour a little vegetable oil. After a few minutes, add the chopped onion and garlic to the well-heated fat. Simmer them until soft, about 2 minutes, remembering to stir with a wooden kitchen spatula. Then we add pieces to them chicken fillet and cook everything together until the meat changes color from bright pink-red to white-gray.

As soon as this happens, put the carrots in the frying pan and, intensively loosening the products until smooth, keep them on the stove for another 5 minutes. After that, throw the beans over them, pour everything with the previously prepared tomato sauce, season to taste with dried herbs, salt, black ground pepper and a laurel leaf. Covering what is already fragrant, but not completely yet ready dish lid, so that there is a small gap of 1.5–2 centimeters, and simmer it over moderate heat for about 20–25 minutes. Then turn off the stove and let the food brew for at least a little longer 7–10 minutes, after which you can start tasting.

Step 7: Serve the bean stew with chicken.

Baked beans with chicken - a very satisfying, protein-rich dish with an incredibly divine aroma and sour-spicy taste. After cooking, it is infused a little, then distributed in portions onto plates, optionally garnished with fresh dill, parsley, cilantro or green onions and served as a second hot main course. Along with it you can serve refreshing snacks, marinades, pickles, salad and, of course, bread, fragrant unleavened rolls, flatbreads or croutons. Cook with love and enjoy home-cooked food!
Bon appetit!

Instead of tomato paste, you can use fresh tomato pulp, previously ground to a puree. It is also very successfully replaced with a mixture of tomato juice and bean broth;

An alternative to water is broth, onions - leeks or sweet Crimean;

Some housewives season the dish with garlic at the end of cooking;

If desired, the chicken pieces can be marinated before cooking.
