Blood sausage at home. Homemade blood sausage

“Krovyanka is one of the few dishes that has withstood the centuries-old pressure of religious prohibitions and won in an unequal struggle.

It is known that there was a biblical prohibition against eating the blood of killed animals. However, the ban on drinking blood in Ukraine was ignored and the traditional national nutritional and healthy dish- blood has survived to this day.”
It is unlikely that if we undertake to describe Ukrainian cuisine Let's do without Ukrainian blood. This dish took pride of place along with Ukrainian borscht, homemade sausage and dumplings.
In Ukraine, homemade bloodbath is prepared almost everywhere. At any bazaar, it is a top seller along with lard. Ukrainian blood soup is like borscht and has various recipes.
Today I will show you one of them.

A necessary and sufficient condition for good blood flow is clean intestines and fresh blood. The cleanliness of the intestines must be approached with special care. Krovyanka, unlike the Ukrainian one homemade sausage requires large intestines, thin ones are not entirely suitable for it. First you need to rinse and clean out the colon very thoroughly, three times with running water. Another very important nuance that removes the unpleasant odor is to turn the intestine out and cut off all the fatty deposits on the inside. After this, soak the intestines in a vinegar-water solution (not too strong), at least until they are filled with filling, and preferably overnight. They should be odorless.
We will need:
Fresh pork blood - 1.5 liters
Pork cheeks - 1 kg
Lard - 200 gr.
Milk - 600 ml.
Onions - 3 pcs.
Buckwheat - 400 gr.
Garlic - 1 head
Salt - 3 tbsp
Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp

We remove the skin from the cheeks. It must be said that some recipes use pork skin. It is first boiled, then passed through a meat grinder. I didn't use it in this recipe.
Cut lard, cheeks, and onion into small cubes. First comes the lard. After five minutes, add meat and onion. Fry, but do not dry.

Let's steam it up buckwheat porridge. Measure out 800 ml of water and add it to the buckwheat. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place the pan with the lid closed in the oven. Turn off the oven and leave the pan there for 20 minutes. Then remove the pan and leave it in the cold to cool.
Let's take care of the blood. If there are clots in the blood, grind them through a sieve or mince them or use an immersion blender. Add milk, porridge, meat and lard to the blood, squeeze out the garlic, salt and pepper. Taste for salt. The minced meat should be slightly salted.

If you have a suitable watering can with a wide neck, then you can use it; if not, then take a nozzle from a plastic bottle. Fill the intestines two-thirds full with minced meat and tie the end with a string.

Place the filled intestines on a baking sheet, cover the bottom with water and place a couple of laurel leaves. Place in the oven at 140 degrees, then at intervals of 10 minutes raise the temperature to 180. At 180 degrees, bake for another half hour.
You can also boil the sausage. It is better at a temperature of no more than 85 degrees and for at least an hour.
The third method is combined. The sausage is boiled for 15 minutes, then placed in the oven for baking. Then the Yankee's blood cools.

Then we use it as your heart desires.
Let me show you mercy!


The killed pig should be immediately hung upside down to make it easier to collect the blood. Liquid blood is filtered through a colander or sieve lined with gauze. To prevent the collected blood from clotting, it is recommended to beat it together with a small amount of salt. Blood clots, if any, must be minced or rubbed through a sieve.

To 3 liters of blood add 1.5 kg of lard cut into small pieces (up to 2 cm), salt to taste, black and allspice, cumin, cloves, nutmeg, which must first be finely ground. All this is mixed well and the resulting mixture is tightly stuffed into large pork or beef intestines, the ends of which are tied with twine.

The resulting sausage loaves are placed in a bowl with warm water and placed on very low heat. After the water boils, cook the sausage for another 30 minutes.

To prevent the sausage from bursting, it is pierced in several places before and during cooking.

Carefully remove the finished sausage and strain it.


To prepare this sausage, take 3 parts of meat (pulp and subcutaneous fat layer), 1 part of liver and 1.5 liters of fresh blood.

For 1 kg of this mixture add 28 g of salt, 2 g of black pepper and 1 g of grated nutmeg.

The raw liver along with the meat is finely chopped, blood and spices are added and mixed well.

The resulting mixture is tightly stuffed into small beef intestines, which are tied with twine, 2 at a time (like sausages), and smoked for 2 days or hung to dry.

Before eating, boil the sausage for 15-20 minutes.


To prepare meat and vegetable blood sausage, take boiled crumbly porridge(buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, wheat or barley), fried fatty pork, minced in a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife, fried onions, pepper, salt in the following proportions: per 1 kg of raw food blood - 1 kg of porridge, 1 kg of pork, 80 g salt, 200 g salt, 200 g onion, 0.5 teaspoon pepper.

This whole mass is mixed and filled with wide pork intestines, well washed and turned out, the ends of the sausage loaf are tightly tied.

Then the sausage is placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven or oven.


Pork or beef meat is finely chopped and passed through a meat grinder. Add salt and pepper to the cooked minced meat to taste. All this is mixed well and filled into well-washed pork intestines, tied with thread at both ends.

The sausage is cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then fried, preferably in the oven.

For 1 liter of fresh blood, 0.5 liters of cream are consumed, 3-4 raw eggs, 0.5-0.6 kg of pork or beef.


Once the pig's blood is collected, it is stirred with a wooden spoon, salted and placed in a cold place until the other foods are prepared.

For 1 kg of blood, take 0.5 kg of meat trimmings from the neck and other places, cut them together with fat, add salt, black pepper, cumin, allspice and cloves and mix with the blood.

Large pork or beef intestines are filled with the resulting mixture, their ends are tied; then they pierce it with a needle in several places, pour cold water and cook over low heat.

Place a wooden grid or several sticks at the bottom of the dish in which the sausage will be cooked. The laid sausage is pressed down on top with a plate.

While cooking the sausage, it is pierced with a needle again. If no blood flows out, the sausage is ready.

The cooked sausage is placed on a sieve or colander to drain.

Store in a cool place.


Meat cut from pig head, and boneless brisket is boiled and ground in a meat grinder.

Separately, boil the skin and lungs until tender and, after cooling, also pass through a meat grinder.

Cook a steep crumbly porridge from any cereal, put it in a clean bowl, pour in blood, mix thoroughly and add cooked meat, skin and lungs, fried, finely chopped onion, salt, season with spices, pour in fatty strained broth and mix well again.

The resulting minced meat is stuffed into the large intestines of pork.

Blood sausages tied at the ends (200-250 g each) are boiled for 20-40 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 ° C, after first piercing the casing with a thin needle in several places, then rinsing them in cold water and spread out to cool.

To prepare such sausage, 3.5 kg of meat from a pork head requires 0.5 kg pork tenderloin, skin and lungs, 0.8-1 liters of pork blood, 0.5 liters of fatty meat broth, 1 kg of boiled cereal, 50 g of onions, lard for frying them, salt and seasonings (pepper, marjoram, cumin).


The meat is cooked until done and lard scalded with boiling water (you can use brisket instead) is cut into small pieces.

The washed rice is cooked until tender, rinsed under running water and left until all the water has drained.

Place chopped meat with lard, rice, salt, season with spices and mix in the prepared dishes, pour in pork blood and carefully shovel again.

Fill the small intestines with minced meat, tie the ends of the sausages and cook them for 15-20 minutes at a water temperature of 85-90°C.

Cooked blood sausages are rinsed with cold water and laid out to cool.

To make sausage, 3 kg of pork belly is consumed 3 kg lard from the ridge, 1-1.5 liters of pork blood, salt and seasonings (pepper and cloves).

Many people mistakenly believe that blood sausage- This a traditional dish Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian cuisine, although in fact this is far from the case. The first mentions of it were found in ancient manuscripts of Athens. If you believe the data that has survived to this day, the Athenian cook Aftheney was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​cooking bloody stew. The Spartans, hardened in battle, liked its excellent taste. Somewhat later, they began to introduce grains into the blood and fill the intestines with it, followed by boiling and frying them.

This is how the first blood was born, without which not a single noble banquet of that time could do without it. Blood sausage is still popular today. In France today, a blood drink called Boudin Nure, which is prepared from a mixture of blood and apples, is popular. In Korean cuisine, blood sausage with rice and a large variety of spices is called sundae.

In Estonia, for example, we simply cannot imagine a Christmas table without bloodsucker, where from time immemorial it has been prepared at home. The cooking technology and composition of the ingredients of this dish differ significantly according to different recipes. The most common recipe is bloods with buckwheat and rice. The cereals included in its composition not only make it more tasty and nutritious, but also act as a thickener.

More rarely, it is prepared with millet, grated fresh potatoes, wheat cereal, vermicelli and pasta. Today you can buy any homemade blood sausage on the market, but it is best, of course, to prepare it at home. How to cook blood with buckwheat, we'll look at it now.


  • TO pork intestines - 2 long large intestines,
  • Buckwheat – 2 cups,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Lard – 200 gr.,
  • Blood - 2 liters,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Spices: paprika, black ground pepper and bay leaf, coriander, nutmeg.
  • Sunflower oil for greasing the mold.

Blood soup with buckwheat - recipe

Cut the skins off the lard, then cut it into small cubes or pass it through a meat grinder. Boil buckwheat until half cooked. Strain the blood through a sieve. This way you will get rid of large clots. Peel the onions and pass through a meat grinder. Place buckwheat porridge in a deep bowl or saucepan, add ground or chopped lard to it. Pour in the blood. Add spices and salt, add onion puree.

Mix the blood sausage mixture thoroughly. If desired, you can also add finely chopped garlic to it, but... Surely, not everyone likes its presence in the bloodstream, so adding it is not necessary. So, the minced meat for the blood is ready. Intestines for its preparation can be used both thin and thick. Traditional homemade blood sausage is always made from large intestines.

In any case, the intestines need to be very carefully cleaned and washed to avoid a specific odor. Even purchased cleaned intestines should be soaked for at least half an hour in a solution of water and lemon juice. After the minced meat and intestines are prepared, you can proceed to the third stage - stuffing.

Tie one end of the intestine tightly with thread. Use a tablespoon to stuff the sausage. Tie the other end tightly with a thread. Place the blood on a greased baking sheet sunflower oil. Place in the oven, heated to a temperature of 190 C. 15 minutes after the sausage has been placed in the oven, pierce it with a needle over the entire area after 1-2 cm. With this procedure, excess air will come out, and the sausage will not burst during baking. Bake the sausage for 40-45 minutes.

Blood soup with buckwheat. Photo

The main types of homemade sausage are made primarily using meat.

Of course, it requires various additives (at least the same spices), but the main component is still pork (beef, horse meat, chicken, etc.).

Another thing is blood sausage.

It, of course, also includes minced meat, but the main ingredient in it is still blood.

There are various recipes for blood sausages in almost all countries.

Somewhere the “liquid component” should be bovine, somewhere sheep, somewhere pork, but it is everywhere.

And if earlier the preparation of homemade blood sausage was available only to those who kept livestock on the farm, now all the ingredients can be purchased in the store and prepared this dish with your own hands.

Recipes for blood sausage at home are different, but the most popular is the recipe with buckwheat.

Blood sausage with buckwheat at home turns out tender, tasty and aromatic, a proven recipe confirms this.


  • blood - 1500 ml
  • lard - 500 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • buckwheat – 200 g
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • pepper - 1 tsp.
  • intestines - 3 meters

How to cook blood sausage with buckwheat at home:

Pre-cook the lard and cut into very small cubes. Boil the buckwheat until tender.

If there are clots in the blood, grind them in a meat grinder. Mix blood, lard, pre-cooked buckwheat, salt and pepper.

Pour in the milk. It can be replaced with milk powder diluted with water.

Clean your guts. To make this easier, you need to first soak them in salted water overnight, then clean them with a knife.

Wash well and use tap water to check the integrity of the intestines so that there are no holes.

Fill the intestines with the filling. The one with the bottom cut off will help you with this.

To do this, tie one end into a tight knot or tie it with thread, put the other end on the neck of the bottle and use a mug to fill the intestines.

Just fill it not to capacity, but so that there is two centimeters of empty space in each sausage ring. Tie the other end as well.

When you have prepared all the sausage, fill the pan with water and put it on the fire. The pan should be about five liters, large.

Place one large ring at a time or a pair of small ones into boiling water, and immediately pierce it in several places with a needle.

When the water boils, reduce the heat so that it does not boil too much. Cook for 15 minutes. Halfway through cooking, pierce the blood sausage with a needle in several more places.

When you have cooked all the sausage, transfer it to a baking sheet and roast in the oven at 250ºC for 20-30 minutes.

Homemade blood sausage with buckwheat is ready. Bon appetit!

Homemade blood with buckwheat is one of the delicious sausages, which can be prepared at home and please your beloved family on holidays and weekdays. In addition to the fact that homemade blood milk is very tasty, it is also useful for increasing hemoglobin. Making bloodsucker at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It turns out like this homemade sausage very tasty, aromatic and tender. It can be served either cold or hot.

To prepare homemade blood milk with buckwheat we will need:

  • 1.5 meters of pork intestines (3 pieces of 50 cm each);
  • 1.5 liters of fresh pork blood;
  • 300 grams of cheek;
  • 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • 250 milliliters of milk;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 10 grams of black ground pepper;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Preparing the intestines

By classic recipe The blood meal is prepared in the large intestine of a pig, but for the first time you can also use small intestines of a pig. They can be purchased in the store already cleaned, or at the market.
To prepare sausage, we need to clean the intestines even if they have already been cleaned beforehand, since pieces of mucus may remain inside.

For cleaning, we need to use a cutting board, which must be covered with cling film so that it does not absorb unpleasant odors.

We take a piece of pork intestine, about 50 cm, fold it in half, and place it on a board. Using a teaspoon, we begin to scrape from the middle to the edges, removing the internal mucus, which gives this unpleasant odor.

When we have finished cleaning, they must be rinsed under running water. To do this, put the edge of the intestine on the tap and let a stream of water flow. This way they will be washed well from the inside.
Having finished washing, you need to check the shell for integrity. There are two ways:
- inflate it with your mouth, after first holding the opposite end with your fingers;
— fill the intestine with water from the tap, squeezing its second edge with your fingers. Water will leak out in damaged areas. The damaged shell of the future homemade blood drink with buckwheat needs to be replaced.

In order to eliminate, perhaps, the remaining odor, vinegar was previously used. They diluted it with water and soaked the intestines for several hours. Now they use more effective method. To do this, you need to take one medium lemon, grind it in a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. In the resulting mass, mix thoroughly and soak the intestines.

After 30 minutes, not a trace of the unpleasant odor remains. We wash the intestine under running water and it is ready for use.

Preparing the filling

Let's prepare the cheek. The skin should not be used in the preparation of bloodshed, so we cut it off with a knife. Now you need to separate the fat from the layers of meat.

Heat a dry frying pan, put lard on it, pre-cut into cubes 1-2 cm in size. Fry it over low heat for about 20 minutes.

The separated cheek meat is also cut into cubes 0.5-1 cm in size.

When the fat starts to gain golden color, about 5 minutes before the end of frying, add the meat to the frying pan.

Fry over low heat for 5 minutes.

Take 2-3 tablespoons of rendered fat and place it in a small container. We'll need the fat later.

Transfer the fried cracklings to a bowl and leave to cool.

Let's prepare the buckwheat. Boil 300 milliliters of water. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Pour boiling water over 3/4 cup of buckwheat. Add half a teaspoon of salt. Mix quickly and cover with a lid. Turn off the preheated oven, place the buckwheat in it and leave to steam for about 20 minutes. The porridge should be half cooked.

In order to check the readiness of the porridge, take one grain out of the oven and squeeze it between your thumb and index finger. The grain should open up and not spread between your fingers. This means that the buckwheat is steamed correctly.

Let's take care of the blood. To ensure that there are no lumps of coagulated blood in the filling, it must be carefully strained through a sieve. When the blood has drained, the remaining clots must be twisted in a meat grinder. Then we mix them with blood. You should get a homogeneous mass.

In order for homemade blood to be soft and tender, add 250 milliliters of milk, one and a half teaspoons of salt, and 1/3 teaspoon of ground black pepper to the prepared blood.
Squeeze the peeled garlic into the resulting mixture through a garlic press.

It's time to add the fried meat with lard and buckwheat. All ingredients must be cool. Mix everything and the filling for homemade blood is ready.

We form homemade blood cake with buckwheat and bake it

We will need a funnel. It can be made. Cut off the neck of a plastic one and a half liter bottle (about 1/3 of the part). We put one end of the intestine on the neck, and tie the other end about 4-5 cm from the edge so that the filling does not leak out.

Fill the funnel with the filling in small portions and carefully push it into the intestine using a wooden stick or pencil. We do this carefully so as not to damage the shell. We fill the intestine with the filling, but we must remember that 1/3 of it should remain unfilled so that the sausage does not burst.

We tie the upper part of the filled intestine and form a blood ring by tying both ends together.

Before baking, homemade blood clots must be boiled in boiling water.

Boil about one and a half liters of water in a wide saucepan. Carefully lower the sausage into it and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. The shell of the bloodwort will thicken, which will prevent it from falling apart in the oven.

Carefully transfer the boiled sausage rings onto a baking sheet. We pierce the blood rings with a wooden toothpick in several places. To ensure that excess air escapes during baking and the sausage casing is not damaged.

When baking homemade bloodsucker, the oven temperature is of great importance. To prevent the sausage from bursting, the baking temperature must be increased gradually. First, set it to 160 degrees, place a baking sheet with blood in the oven. After 10 minutes, take out the sausage and cover it with the previously set aside melted fat.

Place back in the oven and increase the temperature to 170 degrees. After another 10 minutes, increase to 180 degrees.

Total baking time 30 minutes.

Homemade blood with buckwheat will bake gradually, maintaining its shape, and thanks to the fat it will acquire a very beautiful golden brown crust.

Bon appetit.
