How to fry potatoes correctly - classic technology. How to fry potatoes with a crust in a frying pan from any type of potato - “A Grandmother's Tale.” Fried potatoes: the classic way

Fried potatoes are the most favorite and sought after dish in some families. There are many men who are ready to eat it every day (and even without meat). We'll tell you how to properly fry potatoes in a frying pan so that they don't fall apart and remain deliciously fried, as well as how to easily complement dishes with unusual ingredients.

Crumbly, with or without crust, with lard or butter, with ketchup or sauerkraut- tastier fried potatoes maybe just fried potatoes! Each housewife has her own frying secrets, but the recipes still have something in common - two ingredients are usually used: potatoes themselves and vegetable oil. The remaining ingredients are always at the discretion of the craftswoman.

For the simplest method we need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg (the number of tubers depends on the number of eaters);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. The main thing is that they are not too thick and of the same size. How to find your way? It’s very simple - remember the French fries everyone is used to and cut them, trying to give them the same shape. Place the potato pieces in a bowl of cold water so that it does not have time to darken.

The secret of an experienced housewife: varieties with a low starch content are suitable for frying. It is best to use light yellow and red ones, but white ones are good for purees and first courses.

While the potatoes are cutting, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. The best dishes for such a dish - with a thick cast-iron bottom. The fire should not be too strong, otherwise the root vegetables will quickly burn at the bottom and remain raw at the top. The optimal temperature is slightly below average. In the meantime, discard the potatoes and thoroughly wipe them from water with a paper towel or kitchen towel, but clean and dry.

It's time to put the potato strips on the frying pan. Now, pay attention, remember the instructions for proper frying!

  1. For the first 8-10 minutes, do not touch the potatoes: let them fry quietly: if you start tossing the pieces, they will quickly lose their shape.
  2. Carefully pick up the straw with a spatula, turning it over in one solid layer: usually the crust on the bottom grabs the pieces evenly.
  3. We turn it over and go about our business again. Only after 5-7 minutes will it be possible to approach the potatoes and stir them a second time.
  4. Add salt to the dish correctly at the end so that the potatoes do not fall apart.
  5. A minute or two before the end of the process, cover the potatoes with a lid so that they simmer slightly.

Well-fried potatoes are ruddy, golden, exude magical aromas, and inside each piece hides melting, delicious pulp. We eat it with pickles or dipped in barbecue sauce.

It may seem like a labor-intensive process. In fact, it is enough to cook potatoes a couple of times to master the skill well and for a long time. By the way, it only takes a few minutes to fry one or two tubers (which is quite enough for a hearty lunch for one person).

With added onion

Many housewives fry potatoes in a frying pan with onions and do not recognize other options for the dish. The onion adds sweetness and juiciness, perfectly setting off the potatoes. It’s worth admitting that if you don’t know some tricks, the dish turns out more like a stew, so we’ll tell you step by step recipe proper “onion” potatoes.

The best potatoes are the same size so they cook more evenly.

  1. Peel the potatoes and fry until half cooked.
  2. When the straw has reached the al dente stage (remains slightly crunchy inside), add the onion and mix.
  3. If you add the chopped onion right away, it will turn out “cooked” and will change the taste of the dish for the worse, so you should add it at the end of frying.
  4. Add some salt to the potatoes. Bring to readiness and serve.

Serve potatoes with onions with slices of black bread, barrel cucumbers, herbs and sour cream. Or we eat it as a side dish for fish or chicken.

With crust

Potatoes in oil will turn out more appetizing if you fry them not with vegetable oil, but with the addition of butter. The crust turns out crispy, the potatoes melt in your mouth, and the dish acquires a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

To get a crispy crust, you can soak the potatoes in advance - the excess starch will go away, and they will crisp up perfectly after frying.

The crust always turns out golden brown if you do not cover the frying pan with a lid, but fry the potatoes in an open frying pan.

In this recipe, you can deviate from tradition and cut the root vegetables into round pieces: they will fry faster and the correct golden brown crust will form. Otherwise, follow the instructions of the first recipe - everything will turn out perfect!

With mushrooms

Fried potatoes with mushrooms (also called mycelium) - a traditional dish for autumn, when people are actively collecting Forest mushrooms. The main mistake many cooks make is adding boiled mushrooms into the finished dish, and then simmer everything together. The potatoes begin to “float” and acquire a not very pleasant porridge-like consistency.

  1. Fry the potatoes in a frying pan until almost fully cooked.
  2. In a separate saucepan, fry the boiled wild mushrooms with onions until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Add a piece of mushrooms butter(they complement each other perfectly and make the taste of potatoes much brighter).
  4. Combine with potatoes.
  5. Lightly simmer everything together until fully cooked.

Before serving, you can sprinkle the potatoes with fresh dill and season with a spoonful of fresh sour cream. We eat a light dish vegetable salad, seasoned with fragrant vegetable oil or lemon juice.

How to properly fry potatoes in a frying pan with meat?

Show me at least one man who, after a hard day at work, will refuse tender and hearty potatoes fried with meat?

In order for the potatoes to turn out fried and not stewed, we recommend writing down a few rules:

  1. For potatoes, it is better to take meat that cooks quickly: pork, chicken fillet, young veal.
  2. Meat and potatoes are fried separately and combined at the last moment.
  3. If you want to make the dish juicier, add more onions or pieces of lard.
  4. The potatoes are cut into square pieces - the straw in this recipe will quickly break, causing the consistency to lose its accuracy.

The total cooking time for potatoes is calculated based on the type of meat, but in general it rarely exceeds 60 minutes (we take into account the time of peeling the potatoes!). Vegetarians can replace meat with soy or pieces of eggplant - it turns out very tasty and “nutritious”.

Option for frying potatoes in lard

In Ukraine, potatoes in lard are national pride and a traditional dish for all residents of the country. The trick of the dish is precisely in frying the lard: it is important to evaporate the fat from it, and only at the end fry it, turning it into cracklings. To do this, cut pieces of lard into 5 mm cubes and fry over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer until the lard begins to melt.

Add potatoes, cut into cubes, mugs or sticks, to the melted lard and fry them until tender. Potatoes cook faster because the heating temperature of the lard is high. And in this case, you can salt it right away so that it absorbs all the juices and becomes juicy and aromatic.

This version is hearty, high-calorie, truly masculine. It is usually served with smoked or salted fish and pickled vegetables. On holidays, you can present the eater with a “little white one” - ice-cold, of course, from tiny glasses.

Country-style fried potatoes

Dish on a quick fix, but at the same time, they learned to cook hearty, very “warm” in the villages. At harvest time, when there is little time for cooking, it has helped housewives for centuries. And at the same time, it helps to put into use substandard small-sized potatoes that cannot be stored for a long time.

You can boil the potatoes in advance - all you have to do is fry them in a large frying pan with onions and salt.

To prepare we will need:

  • small potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - to taste;

Wash the small potatoes thoroughly, removing dirt with a stiff brush. Boil water in a large saucepan, boil the potatoes directly “in their jackets” and let them cool. Next, it's up to you to decide: some people like potatoes with their skins on, while others aren't lazy about peeling off the skins. The taste will be different, but both options are very tasty.

Next, cut the potatoes into 2 parts. Chop the onion into cubes and sauté until golden color in a frying pan vegetable oil. Add potatoes to the onion, fry everything together until golden brown. The finished dish exudes magical aromas and attracts eaters. Serve with herbs, pickles, pickles - everything you have in the house. Country-style potatoes are self-sufficient, satisfying, do not require additions in the form of steaks, and they are also delicious cold.

If suddenly the remains of dinner for some unknown reason survive, fill them with eggs in the morning, add bell pepper, garlic and tomatoes - get an original breakfast.

A few secrets for preparing a delicious dish

Why do some craftswomen produce potatoes that are aromatic and sweet, while others turn out watery and constantly burn?

  1. A wide frying pan is suitable for frying, and the layer of straws should not be thick - this will prevent them from cooking in own juice.
  2. Well-dried potatoes are the key to a pleasant crunch and an appetizing crust.
  3. The frying pan must be thoroughly and evenly heated.
  4. You can soak the straws in advance (for example, in the evening) - excess starch will come out, and the dish will turn out even tastier.
  5. Potatoes are salted only at the very end - this way they do not soften and do not absorb excess fat.

You can prepare the dish with any vegetables, pieces of bacon, hunting sausages, ham, beat in eggs and add garlic and herbs - there are a lot of options, and it’s easy to please yourself with the dish several times a week without fear that you will get tired of it.

Fans of diets will exclaim: “What about the figure! More than 300 calories are “hidden” in just 100 grams of potatoes!” But let’s remember what gastronomic pleasure this dish brings and let’s remind you about moderation - it’s enough to eat the dish in small portions, don’t season it with fatty sauces, don’t eat bread, and it definitely won’t do any harm! Bon appetit.

Fried potatoes are an everyday dish, but experienced housewives serve them with festive table. This is not surprising, because the crispy crust and piquant taste of spices will not leave even the most sophisticated gourmet indifferent. Many novice cooks have difficulty preparing potatoes in large portions in one go. The slices stick together, fall apart and cook poorly. The situation can be corrected if you follow certain nuances. Let's look at them in order.

Features of cooking fried potatoes

  1. To truly cook tasty dish, choose potatoes with pink skin. Such tubers contain the least starch.
  2. You can fry potatoes either pre-boiled, cooled, or raw.
  3. To give the dish a special taste, you can combine potatoes with onions, meat, mushrooms, breadcrumbs, seasonings and herbs.
  4. If you boiled the tubers in advance, peel them and chop them into bars, cubes, rings, and half rings. The same applies to chopping raw root vegetables.
  5. Choose the “right” dishes. To get potatoes with a crust, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment in a cast iron or steel frying pan.
  6. Place potatoes only in hot oil. In this case, stirring is carried out at the beginning of frying, otherwise the slices will fall apart.
  7. If you salt the vegetables immediately after putting them in the frying pan, the potatoes will absorb the fat and begin to disintegrate. Salt must be added 3 minutes before the end of the procedure.
  8. To get tender but spicy potatoes, fry it in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Proportions are calculated at your discretion.
  9. If you are preparing a large portion, divide it into several parts. Do not allow the potatoes to be placed on the pan more than 5 cm in height.

Fried potatoes: traditional recipe

  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • butter - 40 gr.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • potatoes - 1.3 kg.
  • fresh dill - 30-40 gr.
  1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel. If the potatoes are not pink in color, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice to the liquid to prevent the fruits from darkening.
  2. Prepare a dry cast-iron frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it, add butter. Heat the ingredients over high heat and stir.
  3. Chop the potatoes into cubes, cubes or rings (if the fruits are small). Place the slices in a heat-resistant bowl and stir. The oil should coat each piece.
  4. To get potatoes with a crust, cook the dish without a lid. If the root vegetable absorbs oil, add more. Fry at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.
  5. Now reduce the heat to medium. Stir the potatoes, moving the fried pieces up. Cook for another quarter of an hour, stirring the mixture every 5 minutes.
  6. 3 minutes before cooking, salt the dish or skip this step. Salt can be added after arranging the potatoes into portioned plates. Serve garnished with chopped dill.

  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • potatoes - 650-680 gr.
  • oyster mushrooms or champignons - 350 gr.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • dill (greens) - 40 gr.
  • salt - 15-20 gr.
  • chopped pepper - 5 gr.
  1. Peel the garlic and chop it into thin slices. Chop the onion into cubes or half rings. Prepare potato tubers for frying (washing, peeling).
  2. Chop them into cubes or slices. Wash the champignons/oyster mushrooms, cut the mushrooms along the grain. Take a thick-walled frying pan, pour oil into it, place it on the stove and heat it to maximum.
  3. Now fry the garlic slices, after 3 minutes add the potatoes. Cook the dish on high for 5 minutes, then reduce the burner to medium.
  4. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes. Now you need to fry the onions and mushrooms using a second frying pan. Once you have done this, mix the mixture into the potatoes.
  5. Now fry the mixture over maximum heat until golden brown. 1-2 minutes before cooking, salt and pepper the dish, add a slice of butter. Serve garnished with chopped dill.

Fried potatoes with onions

  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • potatoes - 300 gr.
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • salt - amount to taste
  1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel, chop into strips. Place the fruits in cold water and add a little lemon juice. After 20 minutes, remove the potatoes and leave them to drain on a sieve.
  2. Pat the potatoes with napkins to remove any remaining moisture. Heat a frying pan over high heat, pour in oil. Heat it up and place the potato slices into the bowl.
  3. Fry the straws for 5 minutes, stirring once. After this period, a crust should form. Add chopped onion into half rings and a piece of butter (optional).
  4. Fry the dish for another 10-15 minutes, under no circumstances cover with a lid. 2 minutes before readiness, add salt and mix gently. Serve potatoes with sour cream and green onions.

  • potatoes - 380 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 5-7 gr.
  • Provencal seasonings - 20 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • green dill - 35 gr.
  • onions - 50-60 gr.
  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 330-350 gr.
  • garlic teeth - 5 pcs.
  1. First you need to cook the meat. Send it to boil, fry or cook in the oven. Chop into cubes or thin slices. If desired, the meat can be replaced with bacon.
  2. Prepare the potatoes. Peel the tubers, rinse and chop into bars. Soak in lemon water for 10 minutes, then remove and dry with towels.
  3. Take a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom, pour in the oil and place over high heat. After 2 minutes, add the potatoes and fry them for 4-6 minutes.
  4. After the specified period, stir the composition. Now chop the onion and place it in the frying pan. Reduce the stove's power to medium.
  5. Duration heat treatment is 12-15 minutes. When the time has passed, add chopped meat and garlic through a crush to the potatoes.
  6. Add pepper, herbes de Provence, and salt. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner, sprinkle with dill, leave the potatoes covered for 5 minutes. Start using.

Roasted Potatoes with Nutmeg

  • potatoes - 1.2 kg.
  • corn oil - 80 ml.
  • butter - 70 gr.
  • greens (any) - 40 gr.
  • black pepper - to taste
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  1. Prepare the potato tubers; they need to be washed, peeled and cut. Sprinkle the slices with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan over high heat.
  2. Add corn oil and butter to the bowl and stir. After 2 minutes, fry the potatoes. Cook it on high for 5 minutes.
  3. Next, stir, reduce power to medium. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes, stirring once every 5 minutes. After the specified period, place the potatoes on plates, garnish with herbs and sour cream.

  • ground crackers (rye, wheat) - 40-50 gr.
  • potatoes - 550 gr.
  • butter - 80 gr.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  1. Rinse the potatoes under the tap, remove the skins, chop into slices or cubes. Soak in cold water, adding a little lemon juice. After 10 minutes, remove and dry.
  2. Place the butter in a frying pan, heat it and place the potato pieces in a heat-resistant container. Fry at maximum power for 5 minutes, eventually a golden brown crust should appear.
  3. When the specified time has elapsed, reduce the heat to medium. Cook the potatoes for another 15 minutes, during which time you need to stir them 3-4 times. Before finishing cooking, add salt, crackers, and ground pepper.

Prepare fried potatoes according to traditional recipe. Consider technologies with the addition of meat, ground crackers, mushrooms, and nutmeg. People who want to enjoy potatoes with a crispy crust should place the slices in hot oil and fry them over high heat. After the blush appears, the power of the stove is reduced to the middle level.

Video: how to deliciously fry potatoes

Remember how, as a child, your mother would cook in the kitchen and the smell of fried potatoes would emanate throughout the house! But you can't fry it? Our tips will help you prepare crispy fried potatoes with an appetizing crust.

To make a delicious frying dish, consider the following tips:

  • Take fresh pink and yellow tubers with thick skins for frying. Green peel indicates a high content of solanine in the vegetable, which can cause poisoning;
  • Before cooking, soak the peeled potatoes in water for 30-50 minutes. You will get rid of excess starch, and fried potatoes It won't stick together and will come out crispy. If you don’t have time, rinse the peeled tubers well under water;
  • For frying, use refined sunflower oil. Unrefined oil will foam in the pan and ruin the taste ready-made dish. You can also fry the potatoes in butter. But don't miss the moment, otherwise the potatoes will stick to the bottom of the pan. It is better to add a little butter to the vegetable oil for frying;
  • choose the right frying pan. An aluminum frying pan with a thin bottom is not suitable. Great option- a wide cast iron vessel. As a last resort, use aluminum, but with a thick bottom;
  • Before frying, cut the potatoes into strips 5 to 7 mm thick. You will save time if you use a vegetable cutter. You can cut into slices or whatever you like, but make all the pieces the same for even frying;
  • do not fry wet potatoes. Dry with a paper towel.

Frying potatoes deliciously - the traditional way

This frying method will allow you to get delicious potatoes with a crispy crust. Cooking process:

  • cut off the skins of five medium-sized tubers and cut them into cubes or slices;
  • Set the frying pan over medium heat. Pour 4 tbsp into a bowl. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • wash and dry the cut potatoes while the frying pan heats up;
  • Place the slices in boiling oil and fry for 5 minutes over medium heat. A crispy crust will begin to appear on the bottom of the potatoes;
  • cut the onion into small pieces or half rings;
  • Turn down the heat on the stove and use a spatula to carefully turn the potatoes over in the frying pan. Place the bow on it;
  • fry the dish for 3-4 minutes and stir again.

The process of frying potatoes takes an average of 20 minutes. Try a couple of slices and if they are raw, continue frying. Do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will get stew. Stir the potatoes two more times every 5 minutes. Salt it before the end of frying, stir and in two minutes the delicious dish is ready.

Delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms


  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 300 g of fresh mushrooms of any kind;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

Prepare the potatoes as indicated in the first step. Finely chop the onion, garlic and herbs. Fry the onion and garlic separately with oil. Also fry the sliced ​​mushrooms separately. Wash the frying pan, put it on the fire and pour in sunflower oil. Place the potatoes in a heated frying pan and fry traditional way, as mentioned above. When it is almost ready, add mushrooms, garlic with onions and herbs to the frying pan. Add salt, pepper, stir and after a couple of minutes remove from the stove. Serve with sour cream or vegetable salad.

Fry delicious potatoes in a slow cooker

Potatoes fried in a slow cooker will cook evenly and taste no different from a dish from a frying pan. Prepare:

  • 40 g sunflower oil;
  • 800 g potatoes;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Pour oil into the bowl of the device. Add washed and dried potato slices, spices and lightly salt. Set the “Baking” mode for forty minutes. After 30 minutes, open the lid of the device and stir its contents. Add a little more salt and wait for the process to complete. At the end, pepper and delicious dish ready.

Fried potatoes are suitable as hearty breakfast or a second course for lunch. You can fry it with lard, meat, mushrooms, sausage, or just like that. Experiment and you will succeed!

Want to start frying potatoes? It would seem that what could be simpler? Nothing, you will say, and you will be right! However, reading how to fry them correctly so that the potatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy is simply necessary!

Fried potatoes are one of the most favorite dishes for many. This is not only an amazing side dish for fish, meat, chicken, but also a delicious independent dish. So how to fry potatoes correctly?

Fried potatoes are one of the most favorite dishes among adults and children. It seems that frying potatoes is a piece of cake, but not everyone turns out to have an appetizing, golden crust. To prepare golden-brown, juicy fried potatoes, it is useful to know some tricks of their preparation; you should also follow a few simple rules:

  • When making fried potatoes, it is best to choose potatoes that contain a small amount of starch. Such potatoes can be fried, they will not crumble in a frying pan or in a deep fryer, they will not acquire a bitter taste and will not darken. Varieties Leader, Nadezhda, Kolobok, Bryansk early, Zhukovsky early, Impala, Felox, Sineglazka(in general, all types of potatoes with purple, reddish skin) - have the ability to “keep” starch from breaking down into sugars; thanks to this property, potato slices retain their shape when fried
  • To get rid of excess starch, peeled potatoes can be placed in a bowl of cold water.
  • Traditionally, potatoes for frying are cut into thin strips, but you can also cut them into larger slices. Try to keep the bars no more than 1 cm wide: too thin ones will turn out dry, and thick ones won’t cook through.
  • The chopped potatoes can be placed in a colander and rinsed several times under running water to remove excess starch.
  • Before frying, the potatoes should be dried (you can put them on a cloth napkin).
  • It is better to fry potatoes in small portions or in a large frying pan or saucepan. If there is enough space for the potatoes, they will definitely not stick together. A cauldron or cast iron frying pan is an ideal vessel for frying potatoes.
  • You only need to place the potatoes in a well-heated frying pan with oil. Potatoes fried in lard are very tasty. To do this, lard, cut into pieces, needs to be placed on hot frying pan and fry. After the fat has been rendered from the lard, you can remove the cracklings (they will become fried) and put the potatoes in the pan. However, some people like potatoes with fried lard. In this case, you can fry the lard only a little, add potatoes to it and fry them further together.
  • Don't stir the potatoes right away! Wait until a golden crust appears, and only then carefully turn it over with a spatula. You shouldn’t stir the potatoes too often: ideally, you should stir them only 3-4 times during the entire frying period. You need to fry the potatoes over moderate heat.
  • Fried potatoes need to be salted 3-5 minutes before they are ready. If you salt it right away, then during the frying process it will release excess juice, and in the end it will turn out watery and will fall apart.
  • If you decide to fry potatoes with onions and garlic, then you need to add them to the pan 5-7 minutes before the potatoes are ready so that they do not burn.
  • Potatoes fried with mushrooms are very tasty. But it is better to fry the mushrooms in advance, separately from the potatoes, and only then, 10-15 minutes before they are ready, add them to it.
  • At the end of frying the potatoes (especially if you are frying large slices) you can cover the pan with a lid.

It's almost impossible to resist potato slices coated with a crispy golden crust. It's up to you to fry the potatoes with or without a lid. This determines the cooking time and the dryness/softness of the potatoes. Also, do not forget that there are many varieties of potatoes, and the cooking time may be different for each.

Why fried potatoes are not a healthy food is not worth talking about - words about carcinogens and other nasty things have long set everyone’s teeth on edge. It’s better to note a couple of phrases in defense. After heat treatment useful material they are lost in potatoes, however, something remains - and therefore we can say that this vegetable is a rich carrier of vitamins C, B, K, E, PP, it contains quite a lot of folic acid, magnesium salts, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, potatoes are considered a product useful for cardiovascular diseases, problems with stool and swelling.

Calorie content, the figure is not very pleasant. On average, 100 g of fried potatoes contains 300 kcal. However, everything is good in moderation - and if you don’t eat a bucket of potatoes at once, such a dinner will do more good than harm.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 10:57 + to quote book

Almost all housewives, when planning to prepare simple but favorite dishes for the whole family, think about what oil is best for frying. The dangers of fatty, fried foods are constantly talked about in various television programs; nutritionists recommend building your diet in such a way that such dishes are present in minimal quantities. Therefore, use fried cutlets, potatoes, fish and meat are needed as rarely as possible.

There is simply a huge selection of vegetable oils on supermarket shelves today. Among such diversity, many get lost, and some simply take the first one they see, without going into the details of its manufacture and composition. In general, all oils can be divided into two types:

Today it has become fashionable to consume everything natural. Thus, the demand for unrefined oil has increased, although it was often neglected a few years ago. The situation with a refined product is completely opposite; many believe that all the most useful things contained in it were destroyed during processing.

Refined oil has no taste or smell, and does not foam or smoke during cooking. You can fry potatoes on it without fear of a large number of harmful carcinogens.

Unrefined - has a fairly pronounced taste and smell. It is for this reason that many people love it very much, because even if you fry potatoes, meat or fish in this oil, everything will turn out especially tasty. Its opponents say that trans fatty acids formed during the frying process are very harmful to the body, so it should be abandoned.

After conducting a lot of research, experts came to the conclusion that it is best to fry meat, potatoes and fish in olive oil. The release of harmful substances in it begins much later than in sunflower oil, heated to the same temperature.

Supporters proper nutrition they urge you to stop frying potatoes in a frying pan, because there is nothing healthy in such food. And this point of view is completely justified. If you fry it in unrefined oil, it will contain acrylamide - this substance is quite dangerous for the human body, it can have a detrimental effect and even destroy DNA.

Its very high content can be found in fast foods. French fries can be called nothing more than slow-acting poison, so you should avoid such snacks. To ensure that such food is safe, you should use refined or olive oil for frying.

Of course, many refuse this cooking method, arguing that if you fry potatoes with an olive product, they will not turn out as aromatic, but, first of all, you should think about your health.

Everyone loves meat and any dishes made from it. Nutritionists advise avoiding cooking meat dishes, cutlets or something else in a frying pan, and use the oven or grill for this. This method of cooking is considered correct and healthier. To prepare delicious fish, you can make a marinade in olive oil, it will not interrupt its taste, and a dish cooked in the oven with a marinade of spices and herbs will be very healthy and tasty.

To grill fish, you can do almost the same thing. Left for several hours in the fragrant, spicy marinade, it will not absorb vegetable fats, but will only receive the aroma and taste of the dressing. Grilled food will delight everyone with the unexpected taste, delicate texture of the fish, and it is very tasty and healthy.

In the same way, you can make potatoes along with fish. To avoid frying but still get Tasty food and to please guests or loved ones, fish can be prepared in a spicy marinade, which includes a small amount of vegetable oil; whether it is refined or not is not fundamentally important. The dish should sit for 10–12 hours, during which the fish will absorb all the aromas of the spices and become soft, tender and piquant.

With meat, everything is simpler - many simply prefer to fry it in a frying pan, adding seasonings. This method of preparation cannot be called correct and healthy. During the frying process, meat absorbs all carcinogens in large quantities, especially if the oil is unrefined.

If it is refined, then the amount of carcinogens is less, however, it is still worth cooking it in the oven or on the grill. If you marinate it first, then the vegetable product will not be needed at all, the meat will cook in its own juices and will be soaked in all the components of the marinade.

You can also cook potatoes with meat in the oven; of course, it will not have that golden crust that you get in a frying pan, however, such a dish will not contain carcinogens. The meat will also be juicy and tender, and the amount of fat will be minimal.

Pancakes are a dish that is prepared quite often in every family; both adults and children love them. Each housewife has her own recipe and secret of how to make pancakes very tasty and simply melt in your mouth. Pancakes are fried in different ways: some prefer not to grease the pan at all, adding vegetable oil to the dough, and some prefer to grease the pan with it.

If you add unrefined butter to pancakes, they may have a characteristic smell of seeds. Experienced housewives they know that frying is delicious, fragrant pancakes you need to use only refined, which does not smoke. A special non-stick frying pan can guarantee that the pancakes will turn over well and will not burn.

There are a lot of secrets, you can use both vegetable and creamy, just the amount should be minimal, then the pancakes will be low-fat, tasty and healthy.

Women usually fry cutlets using the ingredients they have on hand. This approach to cooking is not entirely correct. If you fry cutlets in unrefined oil, then after some time it may begin to foam and smoke heavily, and they will absorb all the released carcinogens, and their golden crust may have a bitter aftertaste.

Therefore, it is good to fry cutlets using refined oil. You can also fry the cutlets in olive oil, or you can completely avoid oil when frying and cook the cutlets in water, but after that you will definitely need to simmer them until tender. This method is perfect if the minced meat is quite fatty.

If fish or chicken breast If used as minced meat, cutlets cooked in water or steamed will be an excellent dietary food for those who are watching their figure. Nutritionists recommend eating such cutlets for diseases of the digestive system.

Most people know that it will be healthier to fry potatoes, cutlets, meat and pancakes using refined, but as a salad dressing unrefined oil fits just perfect. And the best products

fry food in refined olive oil.

Considering vegetable oil as one of the main products for frying your favorite dishes, you should be very careful about its choice. Pancakes will certainly be just as tasty if you add just a little bit of cream or butter to the dough. olive oil, and leave the pan dry.

To cook fish, it is not necessary to fry it: a few drops plant product, herbs and spices will make it just as tasty in the oven, and the benefits of this dietary dish there will be much more.

Potatoes, meat, and fish in vegetable oil certainly turn out very tasty and aromatic, however, regular abuse of such dishes can affect your health. It is better to steam the cutlets, bake the fish in the oven, and make the pancakes low-fat. Such simple recipes will help you stay healthy and give you the opportunity to enjoy your favorite and healthy dishes.
