How much alcohol is needed to clarify the mash? Method for clarifying mash with citric acid (juice). Methods for cleaning and clarifying mash

Cleaning the mash before distillation is a preparatory stage of work related to the production of high-quality moonshine in artisanal conditions. Numerous methods of liquid clarification allow you to choose the best option depending on the volume of raw materials.

Preparatory work

Before pouring the finished mash into the distillation cube, you need to make sure that the fermentation of the yeast is complete. The distillation liquid can be degassed by heating to a temperature of 60 °C. For degassing, you can use cold -12...0 °C, at which the yeast stops working.

This preparatory step is optional, but necessary to extract carbon dioxide from the wort. The finished mash can be degassed by vigorously shaking with a mixer or whisk.

The purification stage, associated with the removal of yeast sediment and its waste products, is carried out in several ways. To do this, it is necessary to take into account that the yeast precipitates on its own when a certain level of alcohol in the mash is reached.

As the amount of nutrients in the liquid decreases, the yeast stops producing carbon dioxide, which keeps it suspended.

The quality of clarification of the liquid for distillation is directly dependent on the temperature gradient: the lower the indicator, the faster the clarification process occurs. Yeast that does not precipitate in an alcoholic environment goes into suspended animation at low temperatures.

After fermentation is complete, the insulation is removed and the heater is turned off (if it was used). To prevent oxygen and bacteria from entering the container with mash, the lid is pressed tightly. After a day, you can use a hose to decant (separate the mash from the sediment).

Removing sediment prevents sticking to walls distillation apparatus yeast suspension and helps improve taste.

A variety of methods for clarifying mash allows you to choose the best option for both purifying liquids prepared for distillation and mash intended for drinking.

Ways to lighten mash

By removing unnecessary substances from the distillation liquid, you can improve the taste of home-made moonshine. Purification of liquid for distillation is carried out using different materials, among which the following are popular:

  • bentonite (white clay);
  • food gelatin;
  • lemon acid;
  • Hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose flowers);
  • milk;
  • waste alcohol from the previous process.

How to clean the mash before distillation and choose the optimal method of processing the liquid in order to improve the taste of the final product? This must be decided individually depending on the volume of liquid for distillation, as well as the ingredients of the mash.

To do this, it is worth considering that each of the lightening methods has its pros and cons. First, you need to degas the material to be cleaned.

A component is added to the prepared distillation liquid that absorbs yeast residues and their waste products.

To precipitate impurities in the presence of a large amount of mash, it is better to use white clay (bentonite). The application technology is simple:

  • clay is dissolved in water to the consistency of fatty kefir;
  • the mash is actively stirred in one direction, the suspension is poured into the resulting funnel;

This method of introducing the liquid into the composition allows the sorbent particles to be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. The cleaning component is able to absorb minor odors and have a positive effect on the quality of moonshine.

Cleaning the mash can be done using hibiscus tea and citric acid.

These methods are based on the effect of an acidic environment on yeast. But when using them, it is worth considering that the sour taste may remain in the final product.

Purifying the distillation liquid with milk and edible gelatin helps keep the yeast in suspension. These purification methods are used in conjunction with distillation liquid filtration and are very convenient when only a small quantity of distilling liquid is available.

To slow down the vital activity of yeast, you can use the tails from the previous distillation (moonshine obtained at the completion of the process). After adding alcohol residues to the distillation liquid, it must be stirred and allowed to precipitate.

All methods of cleaning mash before distillation have in common the extraction of harmful impurities in order to improve the taste of moonshine and facilitate the technology of producing alcohol at home.

Purification of drinking mash

Braga is a fermented mixture of ingredients containing sugar. There are a lot of recipes for preparing a drink containing 8–9% alcohol, and the technology is simple and accessible. To prepare a simple drink, simply mix sugar, water and yeast and allow the mixture to ferment in warm conditions.

Among the many recipes, special attention is paid to drinks that include cereals:

  • barley;
  • rye.

To do this, crop grains must be ground and diluted with water. After the solution has infused, after a few hours add wine yeast and hops. Low-alcohol soft drinks can be made from honey, apples, juice, and jam.

Drinking mash as a stand-alone drink is a very popular way to quench thirst in hot weather and helps to relax after a busy day.

The tonic properties of the drink have a positive effect on health, and in some cases helps to cope with ailments.

But do not forget that mash is an alcoholic drink, and its excessive consumption can be harmful to health.

Purification of drinking mash significantly improves the taste of the product, in which impurities remain after the fermentation process is completed.

To obtain high-quality moonshine without foreign odor, it is necessary to clarify the mash before pouring it into alembic. If this is not done, then the unclarified alcohol-containing liquid poured into the container will invariably burn when heated.

And from this - bad taste and foul odor low-grade moonshine. it is necessary to clarify before distillation, using both natural methods and the use of chemicals.

Important! Before starting the clarification process, you need to make sure that the mash has reached the required strength (11-12%) and is ready for distillation.

Some types of mash are self-clarifying, that is, the fermented ones settle to the bottom in a thin layer and you can just skim the wort off the sediment. But most often this does not happen. We see a division into fractions, but the bottom one, which contains impurities - loose due to suspensions.

Reference. In order to better assess the state of separation into fractions, you should put the mash in glass container big size. In this case, it is good to use a water seal (rubber glove) so that the alcohol does not evaporate.

To obtain a dense sediment from which it is easy to remove the liquid needed for distillation, the mash must be cooled for 5 – 7 days. The cooling temperature should be about 6°С (+-2°С). For this, a basement (cellar) is used, it is also possible, although this can be problematic due to the size.

During the specified time, the mash will lighten naturally and you can separate clear liquid from sediment.

It is best to do this through a transparent tube, in the same way as removing from the sediment wine: the fermentation tank should be located higher (for example, on a chair or table), and the distillation cube should be located lower so that the mash naturally leaves through the straw.

But you can also carefully drain the clear liquid, making sure that no sediment gets into the main part. If additional ingredients were used: bread, fruit, jam, etc., then it is possible that there will be float a certain amount of light fractions. In this case, you need to drain through a colander (sieve).

Carefully! If the mash is not yet completely ready for distillation, then to stop fermentation it needs to be heated to a temperature of about 60°C, but not higher, so as not to lose alcohol!

Cold lightening

This is another natural way to lighten mash, although it has both supporters and opponents. As you know, water freezes, as well as those visible impurities that are in the mash, but a clear alcohol-containing liquid will not freeze. She will remain just drain and distill.

But there is clearly a catch in freezing the mash. As everyone knows, store-bought vodka freezes at -40°C, while mash has a much lower temperature.

Conclusion: freezing for clarification should occur at not too cold temperatures(not lower than -10°C).

Clarifying mash with bentonite

Bentonite is, in fact, an ordinary White clay, which is found everywhere (not to be confused with lime!).

If you live in a village or have a dacha and know where there is a white clay mine nearby (where peasants usually collect it for their needs - whitewashing, additives for poultry food, etc.), you can also dig it up and then use it to clean the mash and moonshine.

But it will also not be difficult for city residents to buy bentonite: it is inexpensive, but the effect in purifying alcohol-containing liquids from impurities is almost instantaneous.

The technology for cleaning mash with bentonite includes the following steps:

  1. Mineral grind to a powder. You can do it in a coffee grinder, although grinding it in a mortar is also quite suitable, as was done before.
  2. Must be used from calculation: for 10 liters of mash – 1 full tablespoon of bentonite.
  3. The resulting powder, taken in the required quantity, is poured with about half a liter of boiling water, stirred well and left for a couple of hours. During this time it becomes concrete will swell.
  4. The remaining water (if it has not all been absorbed) is drained and the swollen white clay is diluted with mash to make it easier to pour out.
  5. Pour the mash into the main volume in a stream, stirring all the time (like brewing jelly).
  6. Leave for a day, then drain from the sediment.

Which bentonite clay is suitable? There is always a choice:

  • Special winery. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to get.
  • Regular, independently dug up. True, you never know what impurities it contains.
  • Construction. Sold in special stores
  • Cat litter no flavorings. Look at the composition, it should contain bentonite.

Cleaning hibiscus mash

You can also successfully use hibiscus tea (petals of hibiscus flowers or, in other words, Sudanese rose). For 10 liters of mash, 70 g of hibiscus is enough.

Reference. Lightening occurs due to the presence of acids in the flowers, which give the hibiscus drink a specific taste. Acids “put the yeast to sleep” (stop their vital activity), bind impurities and lower them to the bottom of the container.

The clarification process goes like this:

  • Fill dry hibiscus flowers with a liter of water (if the brew is more than 10 liters, the amount of hibiscus and water increases accordingly) and place it on the stove;
  • heat to a boil, stirring;
  • After boiling, turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave until cooled. During this time, the “tea” will infuse, become bright and sour;
  • squeeze out the flowers and throw them away, pour the liquid into the mash and stir;
  • leave for a day, then remove from the sediment.

Please note. The mash, although it will become transparent, will turn pink. But it will, as usual, be colorless.

It is not very advisable to use this method for fruits, since they can deprive the finished product of the expected flavor.

Use of citric acid

As we have already found out, acid helps to quickly remove sediment from the wort, so it is widely used for this purpose. citric acid available to everyone.

Use a 20/25 gram bag for 10 liters of mash.

The acid is first diluted in a small amount of liquid, then mixed with the entire contents of the fermentation tank. After a day, it is drained and distilled.

note! To avoid an acidic taste in the moonshine using this method, after straining you need to add a substance to the wort that “quenches” the acid - chalk or soda. And only after that distill.

Gelatin gluing method

Gelatin effectively glues suspended particles and yeast, and they precipitate. This method is excellent for all types of mash, since it does not “kill” the specific aroma of fruits, berries, grains, etc., the presence of which we want to feel in the final product.

A little gelatin is required: 2 grams per 10 liters of mash. This amount requires 2 cups (400 ml) of water. But the preparation process itself is no less important. Cleaning mash with gelatin is as follows:

  1. Pour gelatin cold water for a day. During this time, we change the water three times (every 8 hours).
  2. After the time has passed, add warm water to the swollen gelatin and heat while stirring until dissolved (no granules should remain), but under no circumstances boil!
  3. Pour into mash, stir.
  4. After sediment has formed (this will happen in a few hours, or even 2–3 days), we drain the clarified mash through a tube or siphon.

Express method with milk

Using this method, distillation can be accomplished within 2 to 3 hours.

Important. Low-fat milk should be used. If it is homemade, it must be separated (return is used).

A liter of milk is enough for 10 liters of mash. It is poured, stirred and after a few hours filtered through cheesecloth, or optionally through a paper filter.

Using paper filters

This method provides for minimal loss of mash. Use a funnel (cut plastic bottle) and filters for a coffee maker or special filter paper. Consumption: 1 filter per 2 liters of wort.

Advice. To reduce material consumption and slightly reduce the time spent straining, you can first strain the mash through cheesecloth, and then bring it to condition by filtering.

Lightening with alcohol

Alcohol also inhibits the activity of yeast and causes it to precipitate. To do this, it is enough to pour a little alcohol or “tails” from previous distillations into the wort before distillation. It is only important that they have a strength of at least 25%.

In less than a day, the mash can be removed from the sediment and distilled. The advantage of this method is that, in addition to cleaning, it increases the yield of moonshine, and the residues from the previous distillation do not disappear.

Those who love strong alcoholic drinks and prefer to brew them at home always want to receive only a high-quality product as a result. As you know, a lot in moonshine depends on the mash and its preparation before distillation.

There are many different methods for preparing mash, thanks to which it will be cleared of fusel oils and other substances.

Types of cleaning

Among the variety of cleaning methods, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  1. Using bentonite.
  2. Hibiscus decoction.
  3. Edible gelatin.
  4. Using milk.

The described methods can be used for ripened product, which is ready for consumption or distillation. There are other methods to lighten mash. For this purpose, the method of freezing and filtration with special filter elements is used.

Why lighten the mash? This question interests many people, but this is needed to remove “dead yeast”. Such material gives off an unpleasant taste and aroma, which significantly deteriorates the quality of the finished drink. In addition, the color of moonshine without lightening will be opaque, but rather cloudy.

Degassing techniques

This technique is not mandatory, but it is very useful in moonshine brewing. Degassing will stop yeast fermentation forever and remove carbon dioxide. The technique is used as The final stage in preparation, just before cleaning.

There are several techniques for degassing mash:

  1. The simplest thing is to quickly stir the drink, which is already ripe. It is recommended to use a mixer for this. Continuous stirring should be at least 5 minutes.
  2. The second method also involves stirring, but at the same time you need to heat the drink by more than 50 degrees. After this, you can remove it from the heat and leave to cool. During this period of time the yeast will die.
  3. You can stop fermentation if you place the container in a cold place, for example, in a cellar. The temperature should be from 5 to 12 degrees. Under such conditions, the vessel should remain for about 6 hours.

Clarifying the mash with cold can be used if the strength is 11-12%. Such a product can stand and not sour in a cold place for months. If the drink is unfermented, then it will not be possible to clarify it. Lightening will not occur if the mash is exposed to severe frost. After degassing, you need to thoroughly mix the mash and begin to clarify it.

Clarification with bentonite

This method is the most common among moonshine brewing. Bentonite is a natural raw material that has many advantages:

  1. Upon contact with liquid, bentonite will increase in volume tens of times.
  2. All foreign substances turn into flakes and fall to the bottom upon contact with the material.
  3. Bentonite is neutral to alcohol, which is in the mash.

Cleaning mash with this material allows you to carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently, removing not only harmful impurities, but also unpleasant odors. The disadvantages of such clarification include a decrease in the resulting moonshine due to sediment. The amount of drink is reduced by 10%.

For those who have access, it is better to use bentonite, which is used in winemaking. At home, you can use animal litter. For a product to be cleaned, the volume of which is 10 liters, 1 tbsp will be enough. such material. In general the process looks like this:

  1. Bentonite (white clay) is ground using a coffee grinder.
  2. Then, the product is diluted in water. For 1 tbsp. 05.l of water is used. After stirring, you need to achieve a puree state, then leave the product for 4 hours to swell.
  3. The solution is shaken and poured into the mash.
  4. After stirring the ingredients, you need to leave the vessel for a while.

Cleansing takes place over the course of a day or several days. When there is a white sediment at the bottom of the vessel, the drink must be drained and distilled.

Cleansing with gelatin

If the mash is fruit, berry or grain, then it is better to use gelatin to clarify the mash. This technology is considered the best for these types of brews and is harmless to humans. Its advantage is that after clarification and purification, the drink will retain its taste.

To lighten the mash you will need:

  1. Apply the correct amount of gelatin. To do this, you need to add only 2 grams of gelatin to 10 liters of mash. First, the gelatin will need to be filled with cold water. For 1 gram, 200 ml of water is used.
  2. After soaking the gelatin, it should be left for a day to allow it to swell. You will need to change the water 3 times a day, draining the old one.
  3. After a day, pour the same amount of boiling water into the swollen gelatin and stir the ingredients to completely dissolve everything.
  4. The prepared solution is poured into the mash. After 2-3 days, the mash will be cleaned, and a thick sediment will be a sign.

After this technology, you need to drain the liquid, strain and you can distill.

Lightening with milk

Lightening can be done with milk. This technology is considered safe and is used for grain and fruit mash. Milk contains elements that, when interacting with fusel oils, create particles that cannot dissolve. After the purified mash is distilled, the particles will remain in the mash, thereby not ending up in the moonshine.

The success of this technique depends not just on the milk, but also on its fat content, as well as on the number of ingredients. How to clean the mash using this method:

  1. If the mash is clarified before distillation, then milk can be used at any fat content. It needs to be poured into a fermentation vessel in the amount of 1 liter per 10 liters of mash. After thoroughly stirring everything, you need to wait until a sediment appears. Next, the mash is filtered at least 2 times. For this, gauze is used, and then cotton cloth. At the end of filtration, you need to start distilling the contents. Cleansing using this technology does not take more than a couple of hours.
  2. To clean drinking mash that will not be distilled, you must use skim or low-fat milk. This will prevent fats from turning cloudy.
  3. If you use powdered milk, you will initially need to dilute it in warm water and let it brew for 3 hours. After this, the contents are added to the fermentation vessel and white flakes are expected to appear.

Filtration is carried out using any described method of clarifying mash with milk.

Application of hibiscus

Lightening the hibiscus mash allows you to make the finished product suitable for consumption. This technology can be used for mash that is being prepared for distillation. Due to the acids that hibiscus tea is rich in, yeast activity will be suppressed. To carry out cleansing you need:

  1. For 10 liters of mash, 70 grams of hibiscus is used.
  2. For the brightening solution you will need to use 10 grams of dried tea per 100 grams of water. Water and tea are mixed, then brought to a boil and, after stirring the ingredients, leave to cook for 5 minutes.
  3. After the drink has cooled, it must be poured into the vessel.
  4. Next, the components are mixed and, having sealed the vessel, left for a day in a warm room.

When the acid starts working, a dense sediment will appear in the container. In this case, the mash will have a characteristic red tint, which does not affect the taste and smell. This is how mash is clarified with hibiscus tea.

Cleansing with citric acid

This technology is based on a similar effect as with hibiscus tea. An acidic environment will stop the yeast from working and also cause sediment to appear. For 10 liters of mash you will need 1 tbsp. acids. It is poured directly into the vessel and mixed, after which you need to wait until a sediment forms.

Next, regular soda is added to normalize the acidity and to remove the vinegar aroma. For 10 liters put 1 tbsp. soda It is recommended to use hibiscus and citric acid for grain and sugar based contents.

Cleaning with filter paper

For this technique you need to use a piece of paper from which a funnel is made. Then you need to pass the mash through a funnel into a large bottle. All particles that need to be removed will remain on the paper.

The positive side of this technology is that there is no need to defend the product, and the losses of the drink itself will be negligible. The disadvantages of this method include the high consumption of sheets. After all, they should be changed every 2 liters. In addition, such cleansing takes quite a long time.

Lightening with alcohol

You can clean the mash not only using the methods described above. Clarifying mash is also possible with alcohol. To do this procedure, you need to pour a small amount of alcohol into the container after fermentation. After a day or less, the yeast will settle as sediment.

Of course, ideally, this technique is not recommended, because after the mash contains a sufficient amount of alcohol, the yeast itself will die and settle at the bottom in the form of sediment, after which clarification will take place naturally. But in practice, spontaneous death of yeast rarely occurs, since it is difficult to correctly measure the amount of sugar.

These are all the possible ways to lighten mash at home. Using any of the options described, you can clean the product and make it look beautiful. appearance. Thanks to some techniques, you can preserve the aftertaste and aroma of fruits or berries.

Braga is the foundation of the future alcoholic drink in need of clarification. If you skip this stage, the moonshine will turn out to be cloudy in color, with the smell of fusel oils. This drink is undrinkable and harmful to health. Therefore, great attention is paid to lighting.

Clarifying the mash before distillation

During the preparation of the mash, sugar, yeast, fruits, etc. are added. Everything is mixed and placed in a warm and dark place for a certain period of time. After 1-2 weeks the mash becomes ready.
The next step is to clarify the mash and get rid of yeast and fusel oils. Yeast has the ability to burn during the distillation of the product. In the end it turns out burnt taste moonshine that you won't like.

To clarify the drink as much as possible, they resort to different methods:

  1. stand for the mash until sediment forms;
  2. clarified by freezing;
  3. clay (concrete) is used;
  4. use Hibiscus tea;
  5. citric acid;
  6. clarified with gelatin;
  7. kefir or milk;
  8. soda;
  9. potassium permanganate;
  10. activated carbon;
  11. clarified with alcohol.

Before sending the mash for distillation, strain off the sediment through cheesecloth. This is the easiest way to clarify moonshine, but not the most effective. Fusel oils and yeast particles pass through the gauze. You can use paper filters, or cotton filters; they will purify the drink better.

Read also:

Homemade cognac made from alcohol -

Braga from old jam -

Cleaning moonshine with milk -

How to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate -

Methods for purifying moonshine with coal -

But to truly get rid of harmful impurities, you should distill it through a moonshine still 2-3 times, and then use various methods as a clarifier. Practice will show which method will be the most effective.

Clarifying mash with cold or freezing

This method shortens the process of making moonshine. The mash is placed in a cold place and the jute is added when the drink freezes. It is known that alcohols do not freeze, but water and fusel oils can be cooled. When the drink turns into ice, carefully pour off the moonshine. After this procedure, you no longer need to distill twice, once is enough. Freezing is an economical way to obtain excellent moonshine.

If freezing is not possible, then refrigerating the drink is also a good idea. When the mash is ready, the yeast in it continues to work, releasing fusel oils and gases. To stop the process, you need to lower the temperature to 0 degrees.

When the mash becomes cold, the yeast bacteria will die. Before straining the drink, you need to stir it. This is necessary so that the last bubbles of carbon dioxide leave the drink. When the sediment reaches the bottom, strain through cheesecloth.

Clarifying mash with bentonite

The mineral bentonite has been studied recently. Its name comes from the American city of Benton, where it was first noticed. It turned out that it has a lot of advantages that allow it to be used in many industries. When wet, it can expand several times, binding various harmful impurities.

It has become widely used in the following areas:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. in light industry;
  3. in the oil refining industry;
  4. in perfume production;
  5. in winemaking.

This substance is capable of purifying metals from excess impurities and liquids. Alcohol is one of the directions in the purification of wines, champagnes and moonshine. For cleaning, certain proportions are used per 1 tbsp. Add 0.5 liters of water to a spoon, mix well and leave to swell for 4 hours.

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Then mix again and carefully pour into the mash, leaving it for 24 hours. Then strain off the sediment and send it for double distillation.

Lightening hibiscus mash

Hibiscus drink is grown from hibiscus flowers. It has a lot of advantages, it is useful to drink with high blood pressure, removes toxins, relieves hangover syndrome, binds heavy metals in the body. People call it a cure for all diseases. IN chemical composition roses include rare types of amino acids, organic acids, pectin, vitamins, microelements, etc.

Due to the unique natural composition, rose petals are able to cleanse both the body and drinks, like moonshine. A strong decoction of Hibiscus tea binds fusel oils and harmful substances, causing them to precipitate. At that time, giving the drink beneficial properties.

For 10 liters of moonshine you will need:

  1. 70 grams of dried Hibiscus tea;
  2. For every 10 grams of tea, add 100 ml of water and brew;
  3. Cool the drink to 25 degrees;
  4. pour into moonshine and leave for a day.

After a day, a cloudy sediment will appear in the drink. Pure moonshine must be carefully strained; for better results, it is recommended to use a cotton filter. This cleaning method is more suitable for grain mash. For fruit bases, gentle cleansing methods should be chosen.

Clarifying mash with citric acid

Citric acid, like Hibiscus tea, is an aggressive lightening product. Citric acid stops the fermentation process and gives the final product a vinegary smell. To avoid such a mistake, soda is added to it, which kills the smell of acid.

  1. 1 tablespoon baking soda;
  2. 1 tablespoon citric acid.

First you should add citric acid, mix well and wait a few minutes until a sediment appears. The next step is to add soda, also stirring in the container. 5 minutes after baking soda, strain the clean mash through a paper filter. If you do not use a filter, then some of the moonshine will remain in the container along with the sediment.

Read also:

Many people think that citric acid comes from lemons, but this is actually not true. It is made from sugary fibers, which are an artificial chemical powder. Therefore, you should not replace the acid with fresh lemon, there will be no effect.

Clarifying mash with gelatin

Mash should be clarified with gelatin only on fruit bases, since it can only glue together yeast bacteria. Fusel oils and other hazardous substances will still remain in the mash. To get rid of them, you need to do double cleaning on a moonshine still.

For 10 liters of mash you will need:

  1. 2 gr. gelatin, pour 400 ml of cold water, stir.
  2. Change cold water every 8 hours.
  3. After a day, add 400 ml of warm water to the swollen gelatin;
  4. Mix warm water with gelatin and pour into mash.
  5. After 3 days a sediment will appear, strain.

Water is added in proportion to 1 gram. gelatin 200 ml of water, both cold and warm.
Despite the fact that gelatin can only remove yeast, it has both beneficial and dangerous qualities.

Among useful properties– contains 18 amino acids that promote active mental thinking, and gelatin is the only source of nutrition for the nervous system.

Harmful properties - increases blood clotting, which leads to blood clots. Dangerous for people suffering from high cholesterol and gastrointestinal tract problems. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the mash with gelatin with caution.

Clarifying mash with milk

Cleaning the mash with milk is the most quick way. The fact is that milk, combining with harmful substances, precipitates in the form of flakes. The result is instant, which does not require you to wait several hours.

For such clarification, you need to take store-bought milk, which has been previously diluted with water. No need to use homemade milk, which has a high fat content, otherwise the final product will have an extra smell.

For 10 liters of mash you need 1 liter of milk. When a precipitate forms, filter the mash several times using different methods. These can be paper filters, gauze, cotton, etc. After cleaning, for better quality, distill through a moonshine still.

Clarifying mash with soda

To clean moonshine, two types of soda are used - baking soda and soda ash. The second purifies the drink better, but provided that the moonshine does not exceed 70 degrees in strength. Perfect option for cleaning, this is when the drink has a strength of 40 degrees. To accurately measure the strength, you must use an alcohol meter.

Clarification of the mash is an optional, but very desirable stage of moonshine brewing, allowing to improve the quality finished product. But not all methods described on the Internet work well in practice. We'll take a closer look at the three best methods you can trust.

Why lighten the mash? Getting into the alembic moonshine still, the yeast burns. As a result, the taste and smell of moonshine deteriorate greatly. Under the influence of a sorbent (bentonite, gelatin or other additives), the yeast precipitates in an even layer or flakes, and the mash itself becomes light.

Attention! The first two methods are used only for sugar or grain mash, since together with the yeast they remove the original smell of the raw material. To prepare fruit distillates, I recommend using the more gentle third method.

The purification technology is in many ways similar, but there are several differences regarding the choice of sorbent, proportions, application and time of lining up the mash before distillation.

Cleaning mash with bentonite

Bentonite, a natural white clay that is part of cat litter (toilets), is ideal for clarifying mash. The main thing is that the filler does not contain aromatic additives that spoil the smell. Verified (at the time of writing) brands: “Pi-Pi-Bent”, “WC Closet Cat” and “Kotyara”. Perhaps there are others.

Clarification with bentonite must begin when fermentation is completely over, otherwise the method will not work.


1. Grind bentonite (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of mash) in a coffee grinder.

2. Add hot water(0.5 liters per 1 tablespoon of white clay), then mix with a mixer or spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

3. Pour the solution into the mash in a thin stream, mix, seal tightly and leave for 24 hours at room temperature.

4. Drain the mash from the sediment (preferably through a thin tube).

5. Distill.

Refined and unrefined sugar mash

Lightening mash with hibiscus tea

Hibiscus is a tea drink made from dried Sudanese rose flowers. Due to its increased acidity, it brightens mash no worse than bentonite.


1. Pour 1 liter of water over hibiscus tea flowers (70 grams per 10 liters of mash) and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. With a different amount of mash, change the proportions.

2. Turn off the heat, cover the container with a lid and cool to 20-30°C.

3. Pour hibiscus into the mash, stir, close tightly and leave for a day (preferably at a temperature of 25-30°C).

4. Drain the purified mash from the sediment and distill by any available method.

After clarification, the mash will acquire a red tint. This is normal and does not affect the taste of moonshine.

Lightening mash with hibiscus tea

Comparison of bentonite and hibiscus

Cleaning fruit mash with gelatin

The method is effective specifically for fruit mash (apple, plum, pear, cherry, etc.), since it binds only yeast sediment, leaving the taste of the original raw material in the finished moonshine.


1. Pour gelatin (2 grams per 10 liters of mash) with cold water (200 ml per 1 gram of gelatin).

2. Leave for 24 hours at room temperature, changing the water every 8 hours.

3. Add warm water to the swollen gelatin in the proportion indicated in point 1.

4. Pour the resulting mass into the mash.

5. After 2-3 days, drain the mash from the sediment and distill.

Sediment after gelatin